The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth

Start from the beginning

"Alright," I cleared my throat and looked at the three in the room before us," Maeve and I have been dating since June." While Blake and Steve looked shocked, Pyrita still sat on the couch with her arms crossed.

"Tiesin sen jo. Mitä muuta on tekeillä?" (I already knew that. What else is going on?) Pyrita asked in her native tongue. Since I didn't understand, Maeve looked at her with a small smile.

"Yeah, I know. We thought you did, but we wanted to tell you respectfully the same way we told them in hopes you'll continue on this journey with me."

"So she did know!" I chuckled as Maeve gently pulled on my hand. She wants me closer to her.

"Olet hyvin salaperäinen. Onko jotain tekeillä?" (You are being very cryptic. Is there something going on?) She asked again, addressing Maeve.

"Yes. You know I never ask this too, but can we stick to english please? The boys aren't quite on our level of languages." She smiled at Maeve before nodding.

She tugged on my hand again as she stood. I took the hint and sat down in the chair she was just seated in before she sat in my lap. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her close as Blake and Steve digested the information provided to them.

"You know this should be disclosed before we go through with everything right?" Steve was the one that spoke up.

"We know," I answered for Maeve," We're telling Toto whenever we can get a minute with him. As well as Seb since he's acting GPDA director." Steve sighed.

"When I was warned by you directly that I was in for a wild ride, this was not what I was picturing." I could feel the stress in Maeve's body. She was rigid and it was getting worse with each passing moment.

"Well, I'll always keep you on your toes." She smiled at him as she joked, but it didn't reach her eyes.

"No kidding. I'm guessing this is coming up because of the contract?" I nodded for Maeve.

"You're also aware of what is going on then?" His question was directed at me this time.

"Of course, she's told me everything for half a decade. That surely wasn't going to change now that we're together."

"Alright so what's the play here? Do we have plans to tell the world?" I shook my head at Blake's question.

"No, It will stick to the list. Everyone in this room, Toto, Seb, and my family. We want it to stay that way. Unless you're in a room alone with us you would never know anyways. With the contract coming up though, we needed to cover our bases. And well," I looked to Maeve, still sitting stone still on my lap as the anxiety set in further,"She needs help guys..."

Pyrita spoke first, in her native tongue again where I could not understand.

"Sorry, help how?" She rephrased in the language of everyone in the room.

"She's been struggling... With school and everything going on in the garage between me and her... it's just been a lot and getting this taken care of, some kind of assurance that we will be ok would make all the difference in the world right now."

Steve turned to Blake.

"Looks like we're in this for the long run." Blake scoffed.

"Welcome to my life," He looked back at Maeve and I," Why now though? She's going to be at Red Bull and you'll be at Renault. Christian wouldn't do anything to harm you in that situation." Steve spoke up this time.

"You're ok with everyone in this room knowing?" He directed the question to Maeve. It was her information to give and he wouldn't provide info without speaking to her first. Despite having had limited interaction with the man, I could tell that he was perfect for his job and cared about Maeve's future. That made him alright in my book.

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