Stepping into the doorframe there are two extra bodies in our room. Blake and Allison glance up at us as we walk in.

Allison's brown locks are pressed against her cheek as she is turned to Blake in conversation. I feel her presence stiffen as I enter, although we were best friends since I had joined the camp there has been a split between us since the fight she had with Blake.

For whatever reason he used the feelings he had for me against her, leaving me in the middle of something I never asked to be in.

"Hey, you guys okay with us bunking here?" Blake asks, glancing at me then returning his gaze towards Allison. Her hazel eyes meeting his, the curls of her hair are cut at the shoulder shadowing her expression. Neither of them expected a no, considering their things are set up against one another — right below Lilly's cot. I shrug in response and sit my cot in the corner; I feel their eyes follow me as I do.

Allison's demeanor towards me has been disheartening since she was the only other little girl here when I had joined the camp. I wish she could let it go, especially since I have never reciprocated any feelings towards Blake. We had a talk about it, and I let her know that it was strictly one-sided, but it didn't seem to ease her rigid responses towards me.

"Oh, of course you two can stay. Why'd there be a problem?" Lilly asks sarcastically, the tension in her tone lingering for a bit too long.

I unpack my things, pushing past the tightness in my chest from the uncomfortable interaction.

It doesn't take long, most of my things consist of drawing materials and the rugged old blanket I can't remember not having. I've held onto it for so long all it is at this point is stitched rages—still, I can almost smell my mother on the fabric.

Pressing the stained blue cloth to my nose I take in the comfort of the smell, and my attention is broken from the slight knock at the door. I turn to see Devin and a large built liberty patrol standing in the frame, Devin's gaze is turned to his feet. As he lifts it, his eyes meet mine and they send out the familiar electric shocks that dance across my skin at each interaction.

"Can I stay here?... If you don't want me to, I understand." His voice comes out light and modest. Everyone's eyes land on me for the answer; the question directed more towards me than the others. I give a slight nod and return to my things.

"Sure," I responded flatly.

Devin places his cot below mine, sits on it with a squeak from the rusted bed frame and presses his knees to his chest. His position on the bed seems hesitant; his blank expression keeps going from the floor to the door.

I catch myself glancing from the corner of my eye at him and stop myself from lingering a moment too long.

In the large door frame, there is a stiff shoulder peeking from the side where the man that followed him stands guard.

He's the first ever to be found running from Watchmen that got away, let alone the first one to ever escape from the syndicate... It's an anomaly no one would have guessed—the least of all me.

My mind wanders to the questions left unanswered.

'How could he control people's abilities? That has never been heard of..'

Lost in thought I notice Lilly set her book down, and Allison grab Blakes arm to guide it down the stairs. The routine we've been ingrained in reminds me it is time for our moving huddle. I follow along, leaving my belongings disarrayed on the cot. Camp members file in line down the stairwell, flooding my ears with the sound of their footsteps bouncing from the narrow hall walls.

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