{°Chapter 3|Genomorphs°}

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"I'm at the end of my rope," Robin said before swinging over an elevator door.

You made sure that the others landed safely, before gracefully landing beside them.

You watched as Aqualad, opened the door, before walking in.

"Welcome to Project Cadmus"

Just then Kid Flash sped forward, making you bolt after him.

"You two stop" said Aqualad, you heard some loud stomping making you fly forward pulling Kid Flash back.

You both watched as some large creatures walk past you, the others following suit also watching the giants, a small creature stared at you as they walked away.

"No....nothing odd going on  here," Aqualad said, you smacked the speedster behind his head glaring at him.

"You could've died, you idiot" he winced, smiling at you apologetically.


You watched Robin, as he opened another door making you grin.

"Hey after this, wanna help me hack into Tony's Ai?" You joked making him chuckle.

As the door opened, your eyes widen a bit as you saw some creatures in a tube.

"Are these....extraterrestrials?" You asked as your hand glided on the glass surface.

They shrugged their shoulders as they continued walking, "This is how they hide this massive underground facility from the world," Kid Flash suddenly spoke.

"The real Cadmus isn't on the grid, it generates it's own power, with these...things."

He stared at them with his hands on his hips, "Must be what their bred for."

You placed your hand on one of the tubes staring at the creature sadly, "Imagine being born, just for humans selfish needs..."

"Even the names a clue," said Aqualad "The Cadmus's a myth created a new race, by sowing dragons deep within the earth."

"This Cadmus is no different" you said still staring at the creatures.

Robin stuck a cord inside a Computer before speaking out, "Let's find out why."

You walked forward as a hologram appeared, showing pictures of the creatures you saw, some still not being seen.

"They call them, Genomorphs" Robin explained, "The stats look at them" you said pointing at the hologram.

"Superstrength, Telepathy, Razorclaws, these are living weapons!" Robin claimed.

"Their engineering an army, but for who?" The speedster asked.

"Wait there's something else." Robin said tapping on something on the hologram.

"Don't move"

Your heads turned seeing a man with some Genomorphs approach you.

"Wait, Robin? Aqualad? Kid Flash?"

He then looked at you tilting his head, "[H/n]?!"

"Mr.Guardian?" You said in shock "Aren't you a hero?" Aqualad asked looking at him.

"I do my best" said hero responded.

"Then what's he doing here?" Kid Flash questioned, "I'm chief of security, and your trespassing, but we can call the Justice League."

"You think the League's gonna approve of you breeding weapons?" Kid stated glaring slightly.

"Weapons? What are you- What have I-" Guardian suddenly clutched his head groaning.

You watched as the horns of the Genomorph on his shoulder glowed for a second making you raise your brow.

"Take them down hard" he suddenly said, "No mercy."

Just before the other Genomorphs attack you, Robin threw a smokebomb making you walk backwards.

"Hey, [Ai/n] darling this is a good time for you to give me my weapon."

"Ofcourse madame"

Using your umbrella you hit a Genomorph across it's head, before opening it to block another one, you then ran towards the exit where the others are.

"Their coming!" You yelled opening your umbrella.

"What's that gonna do?!" Kid Flash shouted from behind you.

"This" Your umbrella suddenly shot some electricity at the enemy stunning them.

"Whoa...can I have one?" Kid Flash asked, "It's the only one I made."

Robin finally opened the elevator just as some of the Genomorphs were about to get up.

You and Aqualad bolted into the elevator as it shut, making you sigh in relief.

"We're heading down?" Aqualad said confused seeing the elevator level.

Just when the others started arguing, Aqualad suddenly suggested to contact the League.

The two looked down, making you sigh and shake your head.

Just then the elevator door opened making you, prepare on a battle stance.

But just as they were about to get out, you pressed the top floor shutting the elevator and bolting out, as the others looked at you in shock.


Biting the side of your cheek, you silently commanded your Ai to turn on your location before moving forward.

You suddenly ran to the left hallway hearing a person approach.

Seeing a door you entered inside, closing it and disabling it with your watch.

Looking around the room, you saw a tube with a person inside, walking towards it you saw the letters 'Kr' on the glass vaguely making you remember the things Robin said.


Outside Guardian and some others were outside the door trying to open  it, "Get some Genomorphs down here to muscle the door open, now" the scientist ordered.


Back to you, connecting your Ai to the controls, you hacked into the system biting the side of your cheek.

"Hold on big guy, your almost out." You thought, typing in the last fee codes opening the tube.

But just as you looked up, you were suddenly slammed onto the wall a hand on your throat.

Gripping their wrist, you glared at your attacker slightly shocked "Listen asshole! I let you out from that tube of yours and this is how you repay me?! Well bravo!" You yelled choking.

Feeling the need of air, you kicked him in the nuts making his grip loosen, just enough for you to escape.

"Goddamn atleast take me on a date first," you said panting he only glared in response and spwd forward to punch you.

You ducked, and swiped his feet making him fall onto the ground face first with a groan, you quickly straddled him, pinning his arms behind his back.

"Hah! How you like me now Hotshot?!"


You fell to the ground, as you felt pain throughout your body dots filled your vision, but just as you were about to pass out, you mumbled.

"Tony's not gonna be happy about this."

{°|Her Grace|°} |*A young justice various x female reader story*| Where stories live. Discover now