"King Shark?
You mean the half-man/half-shark that tried to kill you months ago.
I thought he was dead!" Cisco said.

"That's what A.R.G.U.S. wanted you to believe when they snatched him up, but believe me, this half-shark is very much alive, and his biological imperative is telling him to do one thing. That is to kill you, Barry."

"We're gonna need a bigger Flash," Cisco said.

"So how do you know about King Shark?" Barry asked after we got all the team to the cortex.

"Well, as the new Director of A.R.G.U.S.,
Lyla's job is to clean up Amanda Waller's messes.
King Shark was one of the bigger and weirder ones." Dig answered.
"And it appears under her directives, A.R.G.U.S. had been monitoring meta-human activity for the past two years," Lyla added.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, to see if any of those powers could be exploited," Dig answered

"Weaponized," Harry added.

"How do you know that he's coming after me?"

"While in our custody, he kept saying the same thing.
"Zoom wants The Flash dead"
And although he removed the tracker we had in him, the readings we did receive show he was headed towards Central City." Lyla sighed.

"Let him come," Barry said.

"Barry, this thing is a killing machine.
We just came here to warn you, man.
Let A.R.G.U.S. handle it." Dig told Barry.

"Nah, I can't do that, Dig.
I'm sorry, but all year, we've been sitting ducks for Zoom and his Earth-2 henchmen.
This is the last one.
I'm not gonna just wait for him to attack.
I'm going after him first. I owe that to Jay.
Wells, he's from your Earth. What do you know about him?" Barry asked.

"Real name, Shay Lamden, he was a...
get this... marine biologist before my particle accelerator changed him into King Shark, and Zoom put him under his control." Harry answered.

"So how did you track him when he attacked Barry?" Caitlin asked.

"Zoom sent him to this Earth to kill Barry.
I just followed."

"Yeah, but you did track Grodd down.
Can you find King Shark too?" Barry asked.

"I can try."

"All right." Barry sighed, "Okay, well, all these locations are next to a body of water."

"There must only be a few hours before he needs to get back into the water to re-oxygenate his blood," Caitlin said.

"I can take the waterfront.
Can you have your team handle the rest?" Barry asked.

"I'll get them on it." Lyla agreed

"All right.
What about Dr. Lamden's doppelganger?
Maybe he could help us somehow." Barry said and I searched for him.

"Or not. Looks like he died when the particle accelerator exploded." I sighed.

"What about next of kin?" Caitlin asked.

"He's got a widow, Doctor Tanya Lamden.
She's a research scientist at Nautilus Labs,
and she studies... wait for it... sharks." Cisco said.

"Maybe the two of you can go and see if she's discovered anything in her research that could help us," Barry asked Caitlin and Cisco.

"Sure." Caitlin sighed.

"Great," Cisco added.

"Hey, Digg," Cisco asked as he, Caitlin, and Dig walked out.


"How's that helmet treating you?"

"Hey, Joe, what's up?" Barry answered his phone.

"All right."

"Okay, Joe, look, I'm sorry, right now is kind of a crazy time."

"Remember that meta-human shark that Patty was after and attacked me?
He's back?...
Yeah, me too, but apparently, A.R.G.U.S. had him and he escaped, and now he's heading for Central City."

"Hey, you know what?
It's all good.
I'll make it work, Ana will come with me.
Tell him tonight should be fine."


"Yeah, bye,"

"What did you sign me up for?" I asked as I took my embroidery out.

"Help me help Wally with his project." Barry sighed.

"Joe thought I should have you take a look.
So, this is what I got so far for my project essay to get into CCU's engineering program." Wally said as he took out a laptop from his bag.

"Turbine supercars?" Barry and I asked together.

"Turbines? Like jet engines?" Iris asked.

"Yeah, yeah, it'd use an engine like the ones they have, in some helicopters, only it'd run on bio-diesel," Wally explained.

"Cool." Iris smiled.

"It's very cool," Joe added.

"Yeah, you're gonna want to address the fuel economy issue here. It is a jet, so it's gonna burn through a lot of fuel." Barry said.

"Yeah, that's why I want to use bio-diesel.
It'll run off of anything that burns with oxygen." Wally defended himself.

"No, okay, but you also got a sound issue.
Gonna wake the neighbors... For sure." I smiled softly.

"Anything else?" Wally asked annoyed

Well, we just... want to help, you know.
I'm just trying to make sure they don't have
any reason to say no." Barry said.


"Sorry, Wally, I didn't mean that... it looks really good." Barry apologized.

"All right, let's start over, okay?
Is it... why don't we go through it all together, and work it out?" I asked.

"Sounds good," Wally said.

"Cool." Barry smiled.

"...team ready," Lyla said as she and Digg walked out.

"I was in the bloody bathroom and this happens?!" I yelled as I walked into the cortex. "And you left me there?"

"Ana relax please, you're fine."

"I was alone when I needed you, Barry, you weren't there, what different are you from my academy?!" I yelled. "You are not here for me when I need you, when will you be there for me?" And with that I left.

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