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~1 months later~

Skylar pov

We actually finished the whole tour two days ago and I'm finally back home. I actually haven't seen Marshall since we got out of the plane because it was really stressful for everyone and i just went home.

But even if we have seen each other everyday on tour I kinda missed him already.

He is just always so fun to talk to but still so loving and caring and I just love hanging out with him.

So I decided to call him. Just to talk a bit because it wasnt even that late. Only like 10pm.

"Everything okay?", he directly asked when he answered the phone and I giggled.

"Chill Marshall. Everything's fine, I just wanted to talk you know..."

"Ohh yeah of course. Wait Imma just turn out all the lights and go into my room. Cause I'm so tired...but we can still talk now."

"Yeah man I'm in bed too. But on tour we went to bed so late I can't sleep already...", I sighted.

"Okay", he sighted when I think he layed down. "So what you wanna talk about?"

"Marshall cmon. That's not how you satrt a conversation", I said but had to giggle a bit because I knew he was doing that on purpose.

"I know, I know. Chill", he chuckled.

But than we started to talk about litterely everything and I was just so happy right now...

Just laying in my bed and listening to his voice, laughing about his jokes and telling my own little stories...thats one of the best feelings ever. Just having someone who makes you feel good and who always listens to you.

"Marshall", I started. "I'm seriously so thankful for everything you have done to me. Like all of it..."

"Skylar you know I dont want you to thank me man. Stop that", he said with a soft voice.

"But I mean it Marshall! And I want you to know it. If you want it or not", I made clear.

"Okay so now you thanked me. Than I want to thank you too", he said. "Yo I dont know how to even start man. Okay so you've been so amazing and I'm soo lucky you went on tour with me. Aand thank you for being on my Songs and man thank you just for being here man-"

But I couldn't take it anymore so I interrupted him.

"Okay calm down Marshall", I giggled. "It means a lot to me"

I smiled all the time even if he couldn't see me.

"Man I wish you were here", he sighted. "You wanna come around tomorrow morning. You can have breakfast at my place."

"Thank you Marshall", I grinned. "But I better eat here before I have to drink red bull instead of coffee." I giggled.

"Yo man you know I have coffee here too", he said upset.

"Okay okay. I'll come around in the morning Marshall", I promised him.

"Good", he said satisfied.

"But I have to sleep now."

"Yeah same", he sighted. "Good night Skylar."

"Night Marshall"

He blew a kiss and hung up. Man this man...


[Next morning]

I knocked on Marshalls door and he opened.

"Heyy", he greeted me happily and I walked in.

"Hi Marshall", I smiled.

"Hey no hug?", he asked confuesd as I got out of my shoes.

"Man I'm hungry", I said annoyed and walked into the kitchen.

But he quickly stood behind me and wrapped his arms around me tightly.

"I think I missed you", he mumbled while he snuggled his head into my hair.

"I missed you too", I said and turned around so I could hug him back.

"Hmm finally", he chuckled and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"But I wanna eat now."

"Yeah me too. I havent eaten either."

"Good", I smiled and wiggled out of his arms.


After we finished eating Marshall looked at me.

"I liked our talk yesterday night. We should do it more often", he grinned while he stood up from his chair to bring our plates into the kitchen.

"Yes we will", I smiled back and followed him into the kitchen.

"You still hungry?", he asked but I convinced him that I wasn't.

"No Marshall, but thank you."

"Alright than lets do something...chill", he sighted.

We went to the couch and decided to watch a movie.

"Man we always watch a movie", I giggled.

"You wanna do something else?", he asked with a surprised face.

"No no I like it. Because then...", I crawled over to him and layed my head on his chest. "...I can do this."

"And you can do this", I added and grabbed his wrists to place his arms around my body.

"Man Skylar youre soo cute", he chuckled and gave me little pecks on the head.

Marshall pov

"But what if i dont want to hm?", I teased and put my arms down.

"Marshalll", she groaned.

To upset her even more I turned the tv off and grinned at her.

"Marshall that's so annoying", she rolled her eyes.

"Yo I don't know what you mean", I chuckled.

"Man why do you do this?!", she asked upset and I just grinned at her.

"Huh? What do you want me to do?", I asked provokingly.

"I already told you!"

"Hm I forgot..."

"Man I don't wanna do this-", she said offended and stood up.

"Okay sorry Skylar", I said trying to be serious again.

I just love making her upset because its making her even cuter.

"Why are you always tryin to get me upset Marshall?!"

"Because than you are even cuter and I wanna cuddle you even more", I grinned and grabbed her wrist to pull her over into my lap. But she stopped in front of me and looked down at me.

"But I don't like it cause its killing my vibe man."

"I'm sorry. Than I wont do it again...But look at you, youre too cute come here", I grinned and finally pulled her into my lap.

"Marshall! Stop it", she giggled.

"No I said it. Now I have to cuddle you even more", I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her tightly and buried my face into her always so good smelling hair again.

"I love when you do that Marshall", she mumbled against my chest.

"You do?", I smiled.

"Mhm", she nodded and started to stroke her fingers through my hair and over my neck.

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