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Hailie pov

"Dad? Could I maybe stay at yours for the rest of the weekend?", I asked as we finished dinner.

I actually didnt want to be alone so much at the moment and with Dad I always feel safe.

"Of course Hailie", he said and I thanked him with a small smile. "But do you need anything? We can drive to your house really quick so you can grab some things because I have to tank anyways."

"Okay fine", I said and we walked over to the car.


When we arrived at my house I just went into my room to grab some things for the night and tomorrow. When I stepped back into the living room Dad sat on the couch and stared on the tv because there were some football on or so.

"Dad we arent even 10 minutes here and you have to watch tv", I rolled my eyes as he turned around so he could see it.

"Okay Hailie. S o r r y", he laughed and turned the tv off. "Ready?"

I nodded and we left again. On our way back home he tanked the car real quick and we drove back home.

"So what 'cha wanna do now?", dad asked.

"I don't know... Maybe watch a movie like we did it back then?", I shrugged and he smiled at me.

"Good idea", he grinned now.


A little later we ended up watching the movie Superbad because it's just so funny and we used to watch it so often when I was still a bit younger.

Sometime I was getting a little cold so I grabbed a blanket.

"Are you cold?"

I nodded.

"Come here then", he said and dragged me closer to him and wrapped his arms around me.

As i leaned my head on his chest and he layed his chin on my head I felt his beard tickle on my forehead.

Immediately I felt like a little kid again even if I'm 22 at the moment. But it just feels so good to be in my dad's arms and it's the same cozy feeling everytime.

Marshall pov

When the movie was almost over I felt Hailies head glide down my chest so it rested on my belly. I glanced down at her and smiled to myself when I saw that she fell asleep. She just looks so cute when she's sleeping.

I brushed with my fingers through her hair and continued to watch the rest of the movie.

When it finished I decided to watch the football game that's on because I didn't want to wake Hailie up by standing up or something.

But after half an hour or so she woke up by herself again and looked up to me a bit confuesd.

"How long'd I sleep?", she asked with a sleepy voice.

I smiled. "Maybe an hour or so."

"Oh", she said and layed her head back down. "But your a pretty comfy pillow." She patted on my belly and grinned at me.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Oh cmon Hailie. You're serious?"

"What?! I like it more like this, than your rock hard abs, dad", she said.

I mean it's normal to gain some weight when you're getting older and I mean I'm gonna be 50 in october and I'm fine with it. I mean I'm still pretty muscular, just not that toned anymore.

I wrapped my arms around her again and pulled her up so she could sit in my lap. "Come here Hailie", I sighted.

She snuggled into me and I was just so glad that I have her and that she was here because the last months I was always on tour and actually haven't seen her once. We only used to call in the evenings but there wasnt much time for her to come over or something.

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