Chapter 14: Convergence of Light

Start from the beginning

Gryphon examined the Faunus for a moment before looking to the other rookie who was a wolf Faunus.

Gryphon: And you?

The wolf girl spoke without fear that genuinely impressed Gryphon.

Wolf: Someone told the recruiters that my semblance was good for combat, so they threatened my family's lives until I submitted to them. I hate fighting, honestly.

Gryphon stood and backed away.

Gryphon: Let's hear your names for the recording.

Dalmatian: Y-You're recording this?!

Wolf: Yarah. The panicked puppy is Dain. I don't know this guy's name though.

Lieutenant: Like I'll tell you!

Gryphon nods slowly before pulling his hood off and speaking.

Gryphon: To have not a name is to be nothing...

Gryphon outstretched his hand towards the White Fang lieutenant as void enemy ran down his arm.

Gryphon:...And nothing has not a life to live.

A torrent of Void energy floods from Gryphon's palm and engulfed the Lieutenant instantly. Gryphon closed his hand and the Void energy vanished to reveal that the Lieutenant had been erased entirely.

Gryphon moved the SIVA camera from his chest and looked into it.

Gryphon: l am, by the only standard that matters or will ever matter, the winning team. Existence is a test that most will fail. Would you not count yourself among the victorious few? Don't hurry to deliver your answer. I'll come over and hear it myself.

The recording ended as the camera dissolved into nanites.

Gryphon: Free our friends here. I'll give them a ride to town.

The Obsidian Wings flew in and landed outside the camp.

The Obsidian Wings flew in and landed outside the camp

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Gryphon: Come. You're free of the White Fang now.

As they entered the ship, Dain marveled at the interior while Yarah was more focused on Gryphon. An idea began to develop in her head. The ship took off towards the city of Vacuo. As they flew, Yarah walked up to the pilot's seat and spoke to Gryphon.

Yarah: This may sound...insane, but hear me out.


Yang's ship landed in Vacuo's port unquestioned. Apparently Juno knows her jargon. Yang shielded her eyes as she disembarked the Bullhead behind Juno.

Yang: Agh. That sun is no joke.

Juno: We're only here to fill up on gas. I've already paid for it so we can find a place to wait for an hour or so.

The two walked out into the sandy streets together. Scale manifested beside Yang.

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