office romance 3

635 36 4

varunika blushed hard

kailash by making varunika to sit on his chair 

kailash;-(to aakash with a stare) what are you laughing for is it is funny??

aakash with a fast side nods denied him

kailash's business partner, Aravindan  with a giggle came forward and patted on aakash's back

Aravindan;- your girl friend??

"varunika tried to get up"

kailash;- (by pushing varunika down to chair) my wife, we just  got married last week so you might not know her

Aravindan;- oh my goodness!! happy married life then... i thought of marrying my daughter to you

"with a widened eyes varunika looked at kailash and kailash denied quickly

Aravindan;-(with a loud laugh) spare his live... it's just merely my wish  

  "for which everyone laughed"

Aravindan;- why do i feel like i saw you before.... what's your name child??

varunika;- ah!! i am varunika..

Aravindan;- you are from our circle right??

varunika;- no no i am a doctor...and currently i am pursuing my higher studies..

aakash;- you might know her father sir!... she is anurag hoshimiya's daughter 

Aravindan;- oh!! that makes sense... that swatch packets of your cosmetic brand  was your idea right..

varunika;- you are still remembering that sir!!

Aravindan;- of course!!! it was a great idea... that was commercially a hit one 

varunika;- (with a giggle) i am flattered sir!

aakash;- was that your idea?

" kailash looked at varunika with a shock"

varunika;-while i was visiting our factor, i found some lipstick's were getting wasted on moulding unit so i thought instead of wiping and wasting it how about using it for a swatch test... many products are getting wasted as samples right... so instead we can provide them as swatch packets with a minimal amount of money and product... it's a profit right!! when i asked my father about it... he found it as a good idea so he implemented it .. i am impressive right??

kailash;- is that how your brand started producing mini products

varunika;- mmm-hmm!! many found swatch packs as travel friendly , they started getting it lot so we just produced mini product whose containers are classy and refillable with our refills so....

Aravindan;- (with a shock)it was your idea as well??!!

varunika;- me and my brother together came up with that...

aakash;-it seems like now understood why your father said you are inseparable from hoshmiya... you are so good 

"kailash stared at him....varunika giggled"

kailash;-(to varunika)i am hungry!!

varunika;-here! here!(by giving him the bag) 

Aravindan;- it seems like kailash is quite lucky he can get home cooked food delivered right to his table..

aakash;- yep!! unlike a single like me... i am so sad(sobbed in fake manner)

varunika;- don't be i brought it for you as well... get me a sis-in-law fast i can't cook for you forever anna

aakash;- (with a smiley face)  sure thing now let me bring my plate..(went to his office)

kailash;- how about eating with as sir??

varunika;- yep!!we have enough of food as well

Aravindan;- then excuse me!! let me see if your cooking is as good as your intelligence

kailash;- then let me bring you a plate from canteen

varunika;- let me do it!!

kailash;- you might not know where it is da ma ....let me!!  

"kailash went out"

Aravindan;- it seems like you mean a lot to him

varunika;- (with a shocked face) what do you mean sir?

Aravindan;- the chair in which you are sitting..

varunika;-(by interrupting) ahh! kailash won't mind it... i was sitting here on my last visit as well

Aravindan;- he is not minding it ..because it's you...... to a man especially to kailash who earned this spot with his own and loads of hard work  ,this seat means a lot they will be super possessive over it... but he himself making you to sit on it... 

varunika in her mind;- came to think of it... shuklanth(her brother) never sat on pappa's chair when he got the M.D's position.... 

on that time aakash entered the room varunika got up and arranged the tea table near the sofa...kailash joined them....the had good time on eating together... 

"after completing the lunch"

Aravindan;- thank you for the food it was so good... and about the project..

kailash;- how about discussing it on conference room

Aravindan;- sure thing!

aakash;- then let me lead you the way

"both of them left the room"

kailash;-(to varunika) you were that much happy just because you got passed??

varunika;- of course!! do you know how much scared i was..

kailash;- but i heard that you ranked first

varunika;- yep!! you heard!!? are you spying on me??(by hitting kailash)

kailash;- (with a laugh) my friend's father is you pharmacology professor 

varunika;- let me cross check him tomorrow 

kailash ;-(by tickling varunika on her stomach) you don't believe me!!!

varunika;-(by laughing loud and pushing kailash) nooo!!!

aakash;-( by entering the room  and clearing the throat) client is waiting for you... how about you both continuing it on home 

kailash;- sure thing!!(which creped aakash) (to varunika )how about joining us??

varunika;- nooo it will be soooo boring... how about seeing around your office..??

kailash;-(to aakash) ask krithika(one of his office intern) to accompany her  

aakash;- okay boss!!

*** how is it guys?? next chapter will be updated by sunday or by monday morning feel free to comment your suggestions***


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