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TW: Death, gun fight


     "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you all," Kelly shouted, her gun pointed at Boy.

     Boy tightened his grip on the tree women and then released them. He lifted his arms up and sat back, defenseless. Behind him, Maddy was continuing to wiper at her eyes with frustrated growls as Child tried to roll over, but his body refused to function properly. Anna looked between Kelly Heeler and Boy, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts and confusion. Everything indicated that not only had Teddy and Maddy been over taken by parasites but...perhaps all five of these aliens as well?

     "Your ship has been damaged and there is no way for you to make it to your destination. Leave Trash, he is uninfected. The rest of us, do as you will. Trash will get you to the planet you are looking to call your new home." Boy whispered, his voice soft and defeated sounding.

     The green alien glanced down at Anna and smiled gently at her. One of his tentacles brushed against her skin and she was sucked up into a familiar vision.

     A much smaller version of Boy stumbled out of a building, a tall, thin, and tentacle-less Green Salam chasing after him, drooling heavily, eyes black as night. Boy was begging for mercy, but the attacking Salam simple laughed and opened it's mouth, a razor sharp tongue flashing toward Boy and piecing the ground beside him as he rolled away.

      One of the robots was near by and seemed to sense the commotion. It lumbered over and swiftly apprehended the larger Salam. The robots looked down at the terrified Boy, the lights of it's eyes flashing as if contemplating trying to grab him as well, but the older Salam was struggling wildly and it moved away. 

     This time, however, the vision did not fade away to change the scene. Instead, the view point of the vision changed. There was a thud as something heavy landed on the ground, and the baby version of Boy twisted around, his jaws opening wide as he screamed and tried to get away. It was at this point Anna realized something;

     She was not watching Boy's memory but a memory of Boy. She was watching the parasite's memory. 

     Boy did not let her see anymore and Anna shivered, shaking her self free of him. She scooted away, toward Kelly and the other two, her eyes wide with fear. Boy saddened, but gave her an understanding smile.

     "None of us can willingly hurt you, Anna. We've all Connected." He reminded her gently.

     Kelly began to shout something at Boy, aiming her gun directly at her heart, but Maddy suddenly have a scream and charged. She reached out toward the captain, her speed even faster than that of the now deceased Teddy, her fingers shifting and hardening into talons. Kelly did not hesitate to pull the trigger of her gun. 

     "How do I know this...Trash isn't one of you? How do I know anyone from my crew isn't?" Kelly demanded.

     Kelly's eyes flickered over to Anna. Anna, however, was starting to get used to such treatment and simply hunkered down a little lower. Boy laughed a little darkly at Kelly's words.

     "You won't trust anything I say and you so clearly want my Anna to be one of us, don't you? Why should I bother to explain anything?" Boy sneered and turned away.

     "Your Anna?" Kelly spat, and she straightened, her eyes cold and cruel, "if she's human, she's mine! All of these people are mine! This ship is mine! You do not get to call her 'my Anna' if she is still one of mine!"

     "Possessive much? I thought you hated her," came Child's voice from the cafeteria.

     Child, with a lot of difficulty, had gotten up. His entire body was trembling from pain, his eyes pitch black. Green blood dribbled out of his mouth and eyes, but he was alive nonetheless.

     "Our mental connection with her let us see everything you've done to her. Every word you said. And I thought I was bad," He cackled and then coughed up blood.

     "What's it to you? She's still one of mine. Tell me how to know who is an enemy and who isn't. Then I'll shoot all three of you."

     Child stared at the captain for a moment and then collapsed back on the floor in a fit of crazed sounding laughter. There were clicks mixed in as well; a Salam's way of laughing. It made for a strange and almost robotic sound. He was forced to stop when he lost both breath and more blood.


I am falling asleep, I won't be able to type more today...zzz...

100% nap time at lunch today

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