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TW: Needles and stitches. I will have it marked where. Nothing MASSIVELY important happens there, so you can skip it.

Long chapter is long whoa


     Boy shifted his weight as he stepped closer to the two, tense and uneasy. Anna and boy were scanning the room for any other possibility of an attack and Ben whimpered, clutching tightly as his wounded shoulder.

     "We need to get the bleeding to stop, Anna help me," Ben whispered.

    Anna nodded to him and helped him up. Boy moved with them as well, keeping himself between them and the vent. The room was small, though, so there were not many placed they could go. Anna took Ben to rest on a patient bed while Ben instructed her on where to find this and that. On top of that, he had pulled out his tablet and was summoning Singer to make an announcement.

     Within a few moments, Singer's chime went off on the PA system and she summoned everyone. It had not even been ten minutes since they all disbanded...

     "All personnel, please report to the cafeteria, there had been another attack. Anna Maiser, Bennedict Dover, and their guest will be late - tending to wounds. All personnel, please report to the cafeteria, there had been another attack. Anna Maiser, Bennedict Dover, and their guest will be late - tending to wounds."

     "Hopefully they won't accuse you of anything again," Ben said stiffly as Anna applied some cleaner to his injury. 

    Boy turned to watch the two, his eyes darkening a little before he lightly poked and prodded at his own wounds. Hearing his movements, Anna glanced over.

     "Did you guys see anything?" She asked lightly.


    "No, Boy was there right after I got hit. Put pressure here and then hand me the purple vial along with a needle and syringe." Be responded.

    Anna did as she was told and flinched when, moments later, Ben jabbed the needle into his own skin with a pained expression before handing Anna some clean gauze.

    "I saw something, but I wasn't positive. I was more focused on trying to get to you," Boy admitted.

   At the same time, there was a loud knock on their door and they all flinched. The door was pushed open to reveal Sam and Kass. The trio could hear a few other people milling about in the waiting room as well, waiting for them to emerge.

   "What happened?" Kass asked as Sam, someone else on the medical team, pushed past Boy to help stitch up Ben's wounds. He roughly shoved Anna away as he took over. There was hostility in his eyes and Anna swiftly got out of the way meekly. 


    "We were doing the scan when we got attacked. Boy came in and saved us, but he's been injured," Anna reported.

     "Sam and I were just attacked too, in the Cafeteria. I suspect it was at the same exact time." Kass whispered.

    The two women looked up to Boy. Feeling their gazes, he stopped what he was doing and looked back down to them. The bleeding on his wounds had stopped, but it was an odd look. His eyes were fully black. He was clearly furious.

     "We need to put an end to this. Let's leave them and meet up with the others." He grumbled.

     "Yeah, we should...ugh...only be a few more minutes," Ben grunted.

    As such, the three left the room, though Boy paused to shift a heavy piece of furniture over the vent. Together, they met up with Lauren and Sirius in the waiting room. Seeing them come out and the wounds on Boy, Lauren frowned and glanced to Anna.

    "Ben and Boy got hurt while I was being scanned," was all she said tiredly.

    Lauren nodded and the group headed out.

    Being among the last to arrive, Anna was startled by how empty the cafeteria was. There were four people missing, including Ben and Sam. The other two were Mandy and...Kelly. 

     Boy rejoined his kin who muttered in their own language to him, motioning toward his injuries. His eyes had just been regaining their normal color, but immediately returned to black. Anna listened in as she sat down at the same place she had previously.

     " me as well...I'll find it and kill it..." Boy was snarling.

     The others looked at each other and then tried to comfort Boy. Kass slipped into the seat with Anna, Loyde on her other side. Teddy looked rather withdrawn and sluggish as he stared listlessly down at the grains of the plastic table. The others all had similar expressions; unease, fear, worry, and sadness. Especially as more and more time passed. Ben and Sam did not appear and neither did their Captain and Mandy.

    "We should go look for their bodies, I guess." Teddy muttered, his shoulders drooping miserably.

     "We were just with them!" Kass protested, turning to stare out the door, waiting.

     "I'll make another announcement, then," Lauren offered, already pulling out her tablet.

     They all fell silent and seconds later, the PA system kicked on.

     "All living personnel report immediately to the cafeteria. All living personnel report immediately to the cafeteria. Mandy, Kelly, Sam, Ben, your presence is requested."

    But no matter how they waited, there were no more movements or sounds aside from the ambiance of the ship.

     "This isn't right. Let's all go together to find them. We won't lose anyone else this way," Simon snapped. 

     As a group, they all agreed, though Maddy volunteered to stay with the aliens should any return.

     "I'll go with them as well," Boy told the other four. 

     Trash looked at him then eyed the others before he stood.

     "You are wounded. I will go. Rest and recover. Maggot, can you go back to our ship to get proper medical supplies?" 

     Boy hesitated, but then nodded. Maggot wriggled up to his feet and pushed past the humans happily. He bounced down the hall and then vanished around the corner. Moment later, an alarm went off.

"Warning! Warning! Exterior Doors opened by Unauthorized Party! Warning! Warning! Exterior Doors opened by Unauthorized Party! Warning! Warn-" And then, there was a loud bang and Singer cut herself off.

     The humans and Trash set off together, Maddy left behind solemnly at the table. She put her head down and sighed heavily enough they could all hear her even as they walked out.

     "I think I last saw the captain in the Command Deck," Loyde told the others.

    "We'll check the Med bay first since we know Ben and Sam were alive and mostly well five minutes ago." Simon commanded, eyeing Anna.

    Anna felt her stomach drop; he still suspected her? She fell a little bit behind, stressed and depressed. Trash walked up behind her and placed a hand on her back, much to her surprise.

     "It's not easy, is it?" He whispered to her, a small tremor in his voice. 

     He wasn't looking at her; his eyes, clear of hostility and overflowing with sadness, were on the others ahead of them.

     "It's not easy knowing things you shouldn't. Even if it's a simple thing as distrust. I hope you don't get betrayed like I did."

     He said this in the Salam language, so quietly she missed most of it. It was only upon realizing this that she felt a very subtle jolt electricity course through her. He had formed a Connection just so she could understand him. And there was something else. A hint of a memory too terrible to mention.


No editing this took my entire lunch break to write. heh. rip my 30 minutes I was gunna nap.

Not gunna lie, this is coming toward it's end. I can already feel the motivation and inspiration for this story slipping away. As per usual. :'{ 

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