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Fighting warning. Trying to avoid Gore, but we'll see what happens.


   "What's going on?!" Boy snarled as Maggot collapsed into a pile in front of him.

     "Something attacked us! It tried to kill Simon, but the purple guy showed up at the last second!" Kass whimpered as she glanced over her shoulder at where Loyde and Teddy had run.

     "It must have been someone with you," Boy started to say when a figure appeared in the cafeteria behind them and laughed darkly, cutting them off.

     "You're siding with the humans, aren't you, Boy?" A female voice cackled.

     Anna spun around and found Maddy standing in the door way, flicking blood off of her hand. She was looking at the blood, but when she was met with silence, she glanced up with an eerie grin.

     "You forgot your objective." Maddy said, her eyes on the green alien, who stiffened.

    "I don't know what you are talking about. Are you trying to sow discord between us?" Boy growled, pulling Anna behind him.

     "Oh, shut up Boy! Enough of this useless wasting of time!" Child suddenly snarled.

     The yellow alien roughly shoved Anna aside and lunged at Boy. Anna hit the wall hard and crumpled to the ground in pain. The two rolled about for a moment with their arms grabbing at each other, each trying to get the upper hand. Maddy side stepped them with ease, her grin widening to split her face in half, revealing a mouth filled with razer sharp teeth and a long, blade like tongue that she let hang out like a panting dog.

    As the two growled and fought behind her, Maddy approached the group.

    "Maggot, are you finished eating?" She called out playfully, her voice light and cheerful.

     There was a small giggle from the purple alien. He stood and there was a clear lack of Simon. He licked his lips and his eyes fell to Anna who was struggling to stand. Kass and Lauren were by her side with Sirrius separated from them on the opposite wall. He clenched his teeth and prepared to dart forward when a scream echoed down the halls. Unwanted stood by passively, his cold eyes taking in everything. He seemed disinclined to help either party, prefering to watch everything go down.

     Loyde came sprinting out of a room with a heavy limp. Something long came shooting out of the room after him and wrapped around his neck before dragging him back to the room. After a few seconds, Teddy came out, wiping his mouth.

     "Delicious," He sighed contently.

          And in the cafeteria, with all four of his arms covering his head, was Trash, curled up in a ball as he tried to close out everything going on. He was trembling violently and saying things gently in his on language as if to comfort himself.

    The three girls gathered up together as Maggot advanced on them. Sirius made a move toward him, but the alien saw him coming from miles away. Without changing his focus, Maggot threw out his arm and grabbed Sirius by his neck. He easily lifted the heavy man, flailing about and trying to attack him, and brought him toward his mouth. Maggot unhinged his jaw and was about to swallow Sirius down hole when...

    "Activating Protocol Song Bird. All personnel refrain from too much movement. Activating Protocol Song Bird. All personnel refrain from too much movement." 

     Maggot paused to look around, and the fight in the cafeteria came to a sudden halt. Panels in the ceiling opened up and within a second, large turrets dropped down and immediately started to fire bolts of electricity at all five aliens. The blasts made a buzzing, whistling sounds - thus the name Songbird. 

     Maggot was hit first, his body immediately beginning to stiffen and tremble as he was electrocuted. His grip on Sirius tightened as his muscles spasmed and before long, Sirius slumped down, losing consciousness due to lack of air. The three aliens in the cafeteria were harder to hit, as they were smarter, it seemed, than Maggot. Trash scrambled under a table while Boy unashamedly forced Child into a position that turned the yellow alien into his personal meat shield. 

     And Unwanted, who had been passive and unresponsive to everything going on, danced around the bolts with insane speed. His face contorted into a snarl as he leaped up and destroyed one turret. The debris showered down on the women who screamed and huddled together for protection. By destroying one turret, however, Unwanted opened himself up to being hit by two others.

     Hearing Anna's cries, Boy's body exploded with light. Everyone was immeditately blinded save for Anna. Boy threw Child aside and dashed for the humans. He scooped all three women up into his embrace.

     "Boy! What are you doing?!" Maddy screamed, as she covered her eyes in agony.

     "Traitor!" Teddy spat.

     The sounds of electricity silenced and Boy's glow soon faded.

    Two of the aliens, Unwanted and Maggot, lay unmoving on the ground. Sirius slowly came back to life, gasping and coughing, in a heavy daze. Within the cafeteria, Child was twitching violently while Trash huddled in a corner under a defense of two tables, whimpering.

     Teddy let out a growl and started to charge at Boy with rage while Maddy tried to recover her lost eye sight. The once human man shortened the distance within seconds. And then, there was a loud blast that deafened human ears. Anna peeked out at Teddy who had come to a sudden stop, a black rose of blood blossoming across his chest.

     And standing behind him was a trio thought lost. Ben, Sam, and a wild eyed, furious, gun wielding Captain Kelly Heeler.

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