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Me when no one reads my stories:

Me when people actually read my stories:

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Me when people actually read my stories:

Me when people actually read my stories:

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     It took time for the entire crew of 22 others. In total, including the 'missing' Oscar, the slowly coming to Captain Kelly, and Anna, there were 25 humans and five aliens. Unfortunately, due to the long sleep, it was not uncommon to lose some people and the total headcount was dropped to 15. Anna helped the Salam aliens check the dead pods to ensure the inhabits were, in fact, dead. It was gruesome and awful work, but it was easier than dealing with introducing each person to the aliens as they woke.
     There was fear, anger, hostility, awe, curiosity, and many other emotions from all the members of the crew. Three were on Captain Kelly's side and stayed as far away from them as they could, huddled in a corner, whispering to each other and eyeing Anna and the five aliens with dislike. The rest either kept their distance or mingled openly, asking many questions and answering any the aliens had. 

     Theo 'Teddy' Barre was the Head of Technology and he got along swimmingly with Child. After introductions, the two brought their heads together beside Singer as Teddy discussed her less secretive workings and how they had created the A.I. while Child gave ideas for improvements or scoffed at this or that. Unwanted, Boy, and Maggot were absolutely surrounded by those curious or brave enough while Trash excused himself from the chaos and fled.

     It took nearly fourteen hours for everyone to be awake. In the meantime, Anna moved about the ship with Boy and Maggot often at her side. Despite the Captain's wishes, she showed them around to the Cafeteria, the Livestock room, and the Main deck. In turn, they showed her where their own ship was docked, looming large and pointed above the Star Singer. It was the very same needle like ship that Anna had seen in her first vision during her Connections. Boy pointed out Trash as he sulked in the cockpit of the needle and the two aliens joked that he was a spoiled child and thus cowardly.

     "He was born just after our people wiped out the parasites from our planet," Maggot said jealously.

     "He is the youngest. I hope you don't mind him. He is just nervous and is not as good about hiding his fears as we are. Many children of his generation have been spoiled rotten due to the trauma of what happened." Boy mumbled.

     The three of them had come out to get food for those who had been awake awhile. Due to the way Cyber Sleep worked, the entire crew would be on a liquid diet for a month as their bodies regained function and then they would wean off of that onto more solid food. If they all stayed awake, at least. Depending on how quickly the situation was handled, they all might be back in their pods again within a week.
     "What will happen to you when I go back to sleep?" Anna suddenly asked Boy as she tried to keep her mind off of Oscar and the parasites.
     "What do you mean?" Boy replied with a tilt of his head.

     Anna opened her mouth to speak again, but there was a sudden chime and Singer's artificial voice spoke out.

     "There is a request for Anna Maiser and the guests to," Here Singer's voice changed to a recording of Teddy's, "hurry it up and get me some grub, little girl! I need brain fuel!"

     Anna glowered up at the nearest speaker before she sighed and hurried the two aliens off the main deck of the ship and back toward the cafeteria. She grumbled to Boy about the impatience of a hungry man and Boy and Maggot both made their clicking laugh at her.

     "It is fun to see how different our two species are. A female in the company of males should never be the one fetching food. The dynamic between your two genders is fascinating!" Boy exclaimed.

     "It is! It's wild to see you getting bossed around! you are young, prime age for rearing young, they should be worshipping the ground you walk on!" Maggot added in, nodding furiously.

    "Well, there are some hierarchies based off gender with us, but mainly we are treated based off how someone sees our worth. For example-" Anna began to say but she was cut off as they moved into the kitchen.
     "Your Captain finds you distasteful because you took the spot of her lover. She saw her mate to have more worth than you, and as thus tends to react cruelly." Boy summarized.

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