First Tour Travels

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"Everyone have their boarding passes?" SuHee calls and all seven boys give some sort of confirmation that they had it tucked safely somewhere accessible. "Passports?" This question gets her some confirmation and she turns around to look at them. "Who doesn't have their passports?" Jungkook and Namjoon raise their hands.
"I thought I'd grabbed it, but it must be on my bed still. I'll be right back." Jungkook announces, letting go of his suitcase and heading down the hall.
"Namjoon's is in the kitchen." Jin says when he notices Namjoon's thoughtful worry. Namjoon sighs in relief and goes to grab it, sending Jin a smile of thanks. "I told you to put it in your backpack pocket."
"I was going to but I misplaced it." He assures.
SuHee sighs and shakes her head. "I'm glad I had us leave early. I was expecting something to happen, either on your side or ours." She nods to Mina who looks half asleep. "The bus is waiting downstairs and the staff will meet us at the airport." Some of the boys give some kind of acknowledgment but most just nod tiredly, yawning, or closing their eyes in hopes of getting some kind of rest from the darkness. SuHee double checks her own bag and nods. "I think we checked all the important things, anything else we forget can be bought at the airport or in the states."

Jungkook walks back in with his passport in hand and grins. "Got it! I'm all good now."
SuHee raises a brow and looks at him for a moment. "Did you sleep at all last night?" she questions and she shakes his head.
"No, I stayed up and then I'm going to sleep on the plane to fight the jet lag."
Mina looks up and frowns. "Aren't you supposed to sleep a lot before and stay up for the plane?" Jungkook's shoulders slouch and he pouts. "Really? I thought it was the other way."
SuHee smiles and shrugs. "It's okay. I always sleep on planes. I'm sure you'll be fine, Kookie. Come on guys, let's go."

The group heads to the elevator and the girls make sure the boys get all of themselves and their suitcases inside the elevator before heading towards the stairs. "We'll meet you guys down there. Start loading into the bus."
Once the door closes, Mina groans. "I hate mornings. We couldn't have gotten a later flight?"
"It was booked a while ago and it was the only time available even then." SuHee glances over at her and smiles lightly. "You can sleep on the plane. Don't worry about it. I brought some tea that'll help you sleep good." She wraps an arm around her friend as they make their way down the stairs. "Knowing you though, you'll stay awake and watch a movie or something."
Mina smiles as they turn a corner and start down another flight of stairs. "That's true. They do have good movies usually."

The two stay quiet most of the way down the stairs and when they make it to the ground floor, the boys are almost done loading into the bus. Jimin looks over at them and waves tiredly. "Alright, everyone in! Where's Yoongi....?" She glances up at the bus windows and smiles when she sees the man in question already inside and leaning against the window, earbuds in his ears. "Oh, he's already on." The rest of the boys are ushered into the bus and SuHee follows Mina inside, nodding to the driver in thanks. The bus starts moving as they step in and SuHee grabs Mina when she loses her balance. With an arm wrapped around her waist, she leads her friend to the closest chair and helps her sit down. "You never were good at keeping your balance on the bus."
As she takes a seat opposite her, she checks on the boys and does another quick head count before focusing on a travel calendar in her lap. She half studies the schedule, her mind wandering to the book she had gotten from a bookstore Yoongi had suggested. Eventually she gives up and puts the calendar away, pulling her phone out and playing BT21.


"62 pounds." The lady at the check in counter announces when the number pops up. "Do you want to try and distribute the weight or pay the fee?" she gestures to the bag on the scale.
Mina glances at the bag and then at the boys. "I'll just pay the fee. I don't want to open my suitcase here."
The rest of the group weigh their bags and only a couple of them are under the limit. SuHee pays the fee and the group moves on to go through security. "We're pre-boarded so you don't need to take off your shoes, belts, or jewelry." SuHee looks up from her phone when the last man passes her in line and follows after them. "You only have to put your bags in the cubbies and step through the metal detector." She puts her phone in a cubby and takes her backpack off. "I know you guys have been through this a lot. I'm mainly talking through it for mine and Mina's sakes."
"It's okay. It's nice having someone else taking the lead." Namjoon replies, dropping his wallet into the cubby along with his backpack.
Yoongi hangs back and nudges SuHee with his elbow, hands stuffed in his pockets. "How much you want to bet Jimin will get selected for random checking?"
She smiles and shrugs. "I'll bet you a coffee at the gate."
He nods in agreement and the two watch as Jungkook, Jin, and Hobi go through and get their stuff. Jimin steps through and airport security steps up to him and tell him that he's been selected for random screening. Yoongi glances at SuHee with a small smirk and goes to follow the man through the metal detector.
Mina finishes dumping her stuff into a cubby and SuHee steps through the detector. She gets approached by security and she already knows that she's been randomly selected as well. Mina grabs her stuff and moves to stand by the rest of the guys. "She always gets 'randomly' selected."
"Jimin does too." Hobi laughs as Jimin makes eye contact with them. "He's always so short compared to the security."
"It's adorable." Mina watches for a moment then moves her gaze to her roommate, who looks so done with the whole situation. "Just a warning, she might get a little snappy towards the end of this trip."
She looks over at Jungkook, who's taking pictures of Jimin with his phone. "She abhors airports and flying."
"Really? She has everything down. She must have done this a dozen times." Namjoon finishes collecting his belongings and joins the small group.
"She's done it a few times. She's just very careful when she flies. She's missed a few flights before and had to spend the night at the gate. She swears she didn't mind, especially since it gave her more time away from her mom, but I'm pretty sure she hated it." She pauses, "Then again, she can sleep anywhere."
"Are we talking about Jungkook-ie?" Hobi lets out a surprised yelp when Jimin appears beside him and then a sigh of relief. "No, we're talking about SuHee."
Yoongi doesn't say anything and hands SuHee her stuff when she walks over. "Thanks, Yoongs. I hate TSA. Like I get they keep the airplanes safe, but random screening? I get picked every. single. time."
"So does Jimin. I don't know how they randomly select but it's definitely not random."

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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