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I was again sitting in the police station for Who-Knows-What.

I thought back at the moment I was called here.

I was in Oli's house, taking last minutes Chemistry notes from her. We were also helping each other understand the concepts of Physics.

Just when I nearly understood a super complicated numerical problem of Physics, my cell phone buzzed in my pocket and everything I made to enter my brain seeped out all at once.

I groaned. " Just when I finally understood the sum!"

I picked up the phone only to be surprized again. Kunalda was calling me.

-" Hello!?" I said to the phone.

-" Come to the police station. Now." He stated seriously. Though I felt something else behind the serious tone.

-" But why?" I asked. But he had already cut the line.

-" Who?" Oli asked.

-" Kunalda. Wants me in the police station."

Oli made her Now what mess have you caused face. " why?" She asked.

-" Heaven knows. " I sighed. " Jokhon e kichu bujhte jabo, tokhon e jotosob utko jhamela eshe uposthit hoy. Dhat!" I complained. [ Whenever I try to understand something, all the weird problems appear!]

I gathered my books and copies, bade goodbye to Oli and Damini aunty, who had come home from work, then came straight here, at the police station.

But surprise! I can't go into Kunalda's chamber until I'm am called.

So I sat outside, on the benches with only a sleepy looking constable for company. I asked him if he knew anything about the reason of my summon here. But a bored shake of his head killed my hopes.

I tried to figure out why I could be called here. Nothing came into my mind.

Then finally, I was called inside.

I was expecting to see Kunalda discussing various problems with his other officers. He indeed was, but not with other officers but with a military personnel in full uniform.

As I entered the room, the military personnel looked me up and down and said to Kunalda," You were right, I really didn't expect this."

Kunalda snorted, " No one does sir, no one does."

I was kind of sure they were talking about me, but what the military personnel expected, I had no idea. I wanted to ask about it, but the presence of a person in full military uniform had totally caught me off guard, and my voice wasn't working.

The man shrugged, and then walked up to me. My body stiffened. He was way taller than me, and bigger, and brawnier. He looked like he was in his mid 40s. He wore a Panjabi turban, pagri, on his head, an Indian Army batch attached to it. The air about him forced me to stay disciplined, and quite.

-" Tanisha Saha, am I right?" He asked.

I nodded stiffly.

-" Lieutenant Colonel Gulmohan Singh." He held out a hand.

My heard pounded, and I gulped silently, but after a few moments of hesitation, I worked up my courage and took it.

His hands were rough and hard like iron, but way he shook my hand, held appreciation and a father-like care.

-" Hey, no need to be so stiff. " He chuckled. A friendly sound which instantly made my nervousness vanish. I looked up into his eyes, friendly and welcoming.

The Girl Who Joined Infantry Where stories live. Discover now