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I woke up in an unfamiliar surroundings. I blinked several times to clear my vision and head. I was in my mom's room.

How am I here? When did I come here? I thought

Last night I was having a nightmare. Not that horrible one. But still it felt bad. I couldn't sleep again. I was gazing at the ceiling thinking about my crazy dream about my career.

I was always good at psychology. Well mind you, I don't have much interest in the mysteries of human brain like you are thinking. But I definitely do have interest in knowing fatal nerves of the human body. Like which nerve to struck to make someone crumple in a heap or some thing like that. It's also going to help me in what I was thinking about as a career.

Let me not make anymore mysteries about that and come straight. I want to be a professional martial artist. As about why? I don't know. Just it's the only thing I am really good at. Why not use what I'm good in career? I know many kinds of martial arts. Karate, Judo, Muay-Thai, Jiujitsu, Taekwondo, all that. And after the day's incident, it's safe to say, they come a lot of use in my life. Speaking of which, now you learned that I know so many kinds of fighting techniques, you might think that I look real strong and scary. But no, I look nothing threatening. I am quite beautiful, charming, cute, good looking, and all that. Yeah, yeah, I know, I am praising myself, but believe me, I hate my beauty.

Every time, I walk past by a crowd, a lot of eyes drift toward me. You know, how irritating is that? It's so hard to make people respect you when their first thought on seeing you is to flirt with you.

So anyway, I thought of telling mom about my choice of profession. How will she take it. She always wanted me to choose a career which has a secure future. Which being a professional martial artist isn't one. And I understand why mom says that. And I am going to study psychology. If I don't succeed in professional martial arts then I will have another way of career to make.

I lied there debating with myself whether to tell my parents or not for half of the night. Then I decided that I will. But not now. Mum's already in a tension after the incident. I will tell her when she calms down.

But even after settling the matter in my mind I couldn't sleep. At last I took my pillow and came slept with mom.

I tried to get up. But my limbs felt sore. My wounds were aching. I groaned trying but got on my feet somehow. I have to look for mom, but my voice was heavy and would not come out easily, maybe from crying and wailing last night.

After calling mom twice when I didn't get an answer, I myself limped out of the room.

Mom, was in the kitchen, apparently cooking something good, the smell was good, and she didn't pay attention to me. It happen when she cooks something special.

As I reached the drawing room, a feeling of disbelief, surprise and delight passed through me. On the sofa, fiddling with the newspaper, sat a middle aged man with messy hair and trimmed beard.

-" Dad!" my raspy voice cut through the air. I wanted to run and give him a hug, but as I said, my limbs were sore and every movement hurt. So instead, he ran in and gave me a bear hug.

-" Ouch! Dad, watch out" I huffed as my sore muscles screamed resistance at being squeezed.

-" Why you woke up so early?" Dad pulled away and asked " You need rest princess."

I groaned " Dad, you should really drop that nickname" I complained. " By the way, how early is it?"

-" 7 O'clock "

-" That's one hour later than my usual wake up time "

-" Still you should rest, you have got an abundance of wounds" Dad said eyeing me head to foot.

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