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I entered our flat to find mom sitting in the sofa with a grin on her face and her mobile phone in her hand. As if she just got a very good news.

Okay, then Oli might not have told her about my summon to the police station.

She saw me and her grin widened, which happens when she gets to share wonderful to someone.

-" You are home. How did it go at Oli's house?" She asked first.

-" Don't even ask." I said and dropped my bag on the sofa.

Mom frowned, " Then I really got to ask. But first I have some news to share.

" Your dad is getting transferred to a place near Howrah, so he can stay with us and do daily passengery to work."

-" Really?" I squealed, " When is he coming?"

-" Tommorow."

Now it was my turn to frown. " When did he get his transfer letter ?"

-" five days ago. He totally kept it from me all those days. He informed me when he was already on a train to Howrah. "

-" Dad wanted to surprise us then." I said through a smile. Mom shook her head at his childish behaviour.

-" So now tell me what happened at Oli's house. Did you not understand anything?"

-" Like I got time to." I murmured, then told mom, " I have got a lot of words with you, but first I should go, change."

After five minutes I came out from my room, wearing comfortable clothes and again sat beside mom. I explained everything that happened in the police station. And lastly how Lt. Col. Singh told me to not tell a lot of people about it.

-" But why would he do that?" Mom asked after I was finished.

-" Why would he do what?"

-" Why would he directly come to you, isn't he supposed to issue an official notice if he wants to include female soldiers in infantry? Why all the secrecy?"

-" I don't know. " I frowned. It was a valid point though. " But he came through Kunalda, can't be completely fraud, right?"

Mom was silent for some time, " So, you really want to give it a try?"her face seemed dark

-" Hmm." I said

-" Are you sure, I mean you know it's a risky department. What if something goes wrong?"

I looked into mom's eyes, I could see the concern there. I am her only daughter, she would obviously not like me in any danger. "Look, I won't lie. I know it's risky. Either every thing would be fine, I would be fine with the job, or everything will go wrong. But mom, I still want to try."

Mom smiled sadly, " Nyssa, if you really want to do it, I won't stop you. Just remember, do anything you like, I will always support you if you are happy with it."

-"Thanks mom." I said and wrapped my arms around her and She reciprocated the hug.

A few minutes later, she pulled away and said, " Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, about that army officer directly asking you to join infantry. You said that since he came through your Kunalda, he can't be completely fraud. I do trust Inspector Dhar, but me and your father are coming with you on this rally thing."

-"Okay, done."

-" Now go study, job later second semesters first."

* * * * *

I woke up the next morning at 5:30 a.m. and went out on the road to run

Last night before I went to bed I have been scrolling the internet for more information on Army bharti rally.

The Girl Who Joined Infantry Where stories live. Discover now