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Before I start this story, I want to tell my readers that this story will have some conversations written in hindi or bengali. I will recommend my readers, if they know the languages, please read the hindi or bengali part, that would make the conversations more lively. There are some phrases which sound way better in their original language. That is the only reason to include some hindi and bengali sentences in the story. Thank you, in advance.

Yours, ladyfosbossdiangelo

So, let's begin!

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I walked out of the Howrah Police Station with a lot of things spinning in my head. I boarded a rickshaw, and gave the addresses to my home.

The rickshaw started to move, and gusts of wind lapped at my face. I looked up at the evening sky, So many colours, blue, orange, pink, yellow and many more. My life is also going to have a lot of colours from now on. I thought.

I closed my eyes. And one by one the incidents flashed before my eyes from where all of this started.

I was 18 Back then. Before my higher secondary exams. Dude I hate exams. But will mom listen to that excuse? No. So I naturally I have study before my board exams real hard.

So, that day I was returning from my maths tuition, feeling pretty queasy after solving so many algebras. It was about 9:30 p.m. or a bit more. My bestie Alaka Bose, Oli, as we call her, was with me. Oli has straight black hair, as usual braided down her back. She wore a short kurti and jeans wheareas I, with my ponytailed wavy black hair wore a top and jeans. Usually we come home in a group of 5 to 6 friends but that day one of them was absent and other two, the Ray twins, had already set off for their aunt's place after tuition. So it was just two of us. It was a nice walk. We were talking about our future careers. Oli has decided to take Genetics for her B.Sc subject, then she will do M.Sc and try for a Ph.D ( and yes, for such a brilliant student like her, she's gonna ace it all! ).

- " Now what are you going to study?" She asked.

- " Well, never mind, that's a secret " I replied

- " I take it as you haven't thought of anything" she said with a grin, which was quite true.

- " Now tell me what's for dinner today?" I said to change the subject. The thing I was thinking about my career is simply crazy. But there's nothing else in my mind. I had even figured out how to make mom agree with that. I am going to take psychology as my higher studies and become a professor or a lecturer at least, and with this cover story I am going to fulfill my crazy dream and once I do that, mom's gotta be proud of me.

So anyway we were jumping from one subject to another from dinner menu to which food we like and all that. " you know 2 months ago my mum asked me to make some aloo paratha" I said.

- " You made it?"

- " well, yes. But when my mother entered the kitchen after I was finished she claimed it was her Biggest. Mistake. Ever." I said and she busted out laughing.

We were so busy laughing that we didn't notice where we were until a hoarse voice said from behind, "What's so funny missy? Wanna share?"

We stopped dead in our tracks. I scanned the surroundings and realised my mistake. It was that dark alley way we always tried to pass quickly. There were no house in the surroundings except for some abandoned ones where all kinds of street bullies and bad guys duelt. That is another reason we travelled in groups, and when it comes to this alley, we always hurried to pass the street.

I considered running in full speed to get out of range but my legs couldn't obey and then it was too late. Some dirty, savage looking men surrounded us. A hungry look in their eyes and smug smile on their faces.

The Girl Who Joined Infantry Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora