Chapter 31 - Love's Truths

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A/N: took a lil break ti get motivation and now i'm feeling better so here's a new chapter! it's kinda long so i decided to stop where i decided since i wouldn't want to the rush the ending which will be in approximately two chapters !

thank you for reading and your patience !!


~ 3rd Person POV ~
"okay children now that we have designed and crafted our Valentine's Day boxes, I will be having you all pass out your valentines please remember you must have one for each classmate, this is a day of love of all forms and to be kind to own another" Ash smiled
"if you couldn't buy Valentine's Day cards i have some right here, i have: Miss Unicorn, Trucks The Movie, and Goofy The Mouse And Friends Valentine's Day cards, and a list of everyone's names for you to make one for everyone" Ash smiled
"after that we will pass out treats, i made Valentine's Day cookies and brought strawberry and chocolate milk mix to go with it" Ash smiled before instructing everyone to pass out their Valentine's

Ash smiled seeing how cute his students looked putting Valentine's in each other's Valentine's Day boxes and even some of them giving him a Valentine
"thank you sweetheart" Ash smiled sweetly receiving a card from one of his students and putting it in his Valentine's Day box

"Mr. Ketchum" Ashley said as Ash then turned
"yes sweetheart?"
"did you like daddy's Valentine for you?" Ashley smiled lightly
"yes of course I did, thank him for me" Ash smiled
"mhm, aren't you going to see him later?" Ashley then blinked
"yes I am but I do need to get ready by all means, since it'll be a date" Ash giggled
"oh okay, here's this Valentine to you from me" Ashley grinned putting a card in his box and giving Ash a single rose
"thank you so much sweetheart, it's very cute" Ash giggled seeing the pink unicorn on the card as Ashley smiled and walked off to her seat

Once getting home from teaching Ash got ready for his date with Gary, the plan was to spend time with him and come home and spend time with Paul for their date as well.
"hmm mhmm hmm" Ash hummed putting on the outfit Gary gave him for Christmas and the red headband
"hey sorry for barging in" Reggie chuckled going into the restroom for a hair brush
"it's okay, the door is open anyways" Ash giggled adjusting his hair with hair cream

"so you're going out with Gary your mom said" Reggie said making casual conversation
"mhm, then I'll come back and hangout with Paul for our date as well" Ash smiled
"I see" Reggie commented applying gel into his hair

"I have a question, it's not to judge you i just want your thoughts" Reggie's added as Ash gave him his full attention
"go on" Ash smiled
"does it bother you Gary already has a kid, and has been married before?"
"nope, i mean it's not Ashley's fault" Ash shrugged with a blink looking at Reggie
"plus i like Gary for him, and well his marital status isn't so important to me" the boy shrugged looking at himself in the mirror
"yeah i guess"
"but wouldn't you like kids do your own? Not someone else's?" Reggie then pondered as Ash blinked

"uh yes, but if I were to end up with Gary his daughter is already like my daughter, even if we're not a couple she means a lot to me. Just as if she were my own flesh and blood" Ash explained wetting his dry lips lightly touching the necklace Gary gave him with the blue gem until his phone buzzed with a message from Gary letting him know he was now there to pick him up

"i gotta go now, have a nice date with Daisy" Ash smiled at Reggie and walking off downstairs to say his goodbyes to his mom before leaving

"hey Gary" Ash smiled arriving at the black truck and seeing Gary who had a smile on his face before opening the door for him like the gentleman he was
"hey, you ready to go?" Gary grinned signaling to the inside of the truck
"mhm" Ash smiled lightly going into the truck as they drove off

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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