Chapter 18 - Losses

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A/N: hi!! this chapter will be emotional sorry i said it would be fluffy and romantic on the last one shdghd but i decided to make another climax ! 🤎

i hope you enjoy ! 🤎

( there will be a dash of comedy at the beginning btw ! )


~ 3rd Person POV ~
As Ash got to the hospital he immediately went to his mom to see what was going on
"why did Paul got shot??" Ash said startled
"there was a robbery and you know how Paul is, he's stubborn and fights back and then got shot on the hip trying to get the gun from the robber" Delia sighed
"oh my goodness" Ash sighed worried
"he'll be fine" Delia smiled hugging Ash
"oh hi Gary i didn't see you" Delia lightly giggled
"it's fine" Gary smiled genuinely as she smiled once more

"did the guy ever get caught though?" Ash blinked
"yes he did" Reggie smiled lightly
"good" Ash sighed
"I'm gonna go see what the doctor says" Reggie said then left as the three nodded
"thank you for bringing me Gary, despite you disliking Paul" Ash smiled
"yeah no worries, it's for you not much Paul" Gary lightly smiled as Ash nodded slowly
"they say he's fine, they got the bullet removed but he's still sleeping so maybe in an hour we'll get to see him" Reggie said with smile as the rest gave a sign of relief

Once it Paul woke up Delia and Reggie went first most likely to lecture him and to tell him how his choices were stupid
"they're taking a bit long don't you think?" Gary said with a small chuckle
"yeah but if they're lecturing him it does take a while" Ash giggled making the man chuckle again

"that was a stupidly Paul I don't want this to happen again" Delia lectured as Paul rolled his eyes
"you said that for the millionth time give it a break won't ya?" Paul sighed
"she's right Paul, you could've gotten shot on the chest or something" Reggie scowled
"and don't forget you scared customers!" Delia added
"okay okay, I'm stupid, I get it" Paul sighed rubbing his eyes
"plus you can't work in this condition the doctor said you need to stay here for a week" Reggie added
"what? why?? I want to go home!" Paul scowled
"he said that they want to make sure that your wound won't open up again"
"well they should've stitched it up correctly that way I can go home" Paul scowled
"that's not how it works" his brother sighed with a slight head shake

"where's Ash??" Paul added
"he's here, we just needed to talk to you first" Delia said
"oh well, you've talked to me enough please have Ash come in" Paul said with his arms crossed as the two sighed
"drama queen" Reggie muttered as the two left
"I heard that!" Paul scowled as he sat up from the bed

"Paul wants to see you Ash" Reggie said as Ash nodded
"okay thanks" he smiled
"let's go?" Ash smiled at Gary
"I think it's best that I don't" Gary chuckled lightly
"no, come on" Ash smiled grabbing his hand as Gary just smiled and went with him to not go through further debate

As Ash walked in Gary stayed at the entrance of the room
"hi Paul, how are you feeling??" Ash smiled sweetly as Paul looked up from a rubrics cube he was playing with
"okay, not happy I need to stay here for a week but besides that I'm good" Paul sighed
"I know, but i'm glad they got the bullet removed, it's for your won good anyways" Ash smiled as Paul nodded then noticed Gary at the entrance
"the hell is he doing here??" Paul scowled sitting up as Ash sighed
"calm down Paul, at least thank him because he's the one who brought me here to see you in the first place" Ash sighed
"whatever" Paul muttered
"have you ate?" Ash smiled
"nope" Paul muttered still playing with the rubrics cube
"I'll go get you something, pizza okay?" Ash smiled
"yeah sure" Paul nodded and watched Ash leave and turned his attention to Gary who looked away from him

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