"Why a green theme?" She continued.

"Green is his favorite color," Lyle answered for me, startling me. I glanced at him, but didn't comment on it. I was slightly surprised he knew my favorite color to be honest.

Luna beamed at Lyle's interruption, but thankfully didn't comment either.

"How is warrior training?" Alpha asked, turning the conversation to something I'm more comfortable with.

I swallowed the bread that was in my mouth before answering. "It's been good. My workouts are definitely more intense then they are used to. Hayden even has trouble keeping up. But the warriors are talented and respectful, so no complaints on my end." Lyle's posture tightened at the mention of Hayden. Instinctively, I placed my hand on his knee to calm him, which was successful.

"How's school?" Luna cut in, not even letting Alpha respond to my response.

"Fine. A little weird with no hockey and trying to convince people I'm not Xander. I have most of my classes with Lilith, Oliver, or Quinn, so that's nice." I know I failed at sounding excited or at least mildly happy, even though I actually didn't mind school too much. I just didn't have the energy to put emotion into my words for Luna tonight.

"Who's Quinn?" Alpha asked, which made me blink. It's funny how I don't realize what I have told them and what I've not.

I opened my mouth to answer, but again Lyle beat me. "He's an incubus. Joseph's younger brother who goes to school with them," he explained in between bites of his food. He was easily scarfing down the lasagna, which was expected.

"Just got off the phone with him actually. He thinks he's a werewolf's mate, so that is complicated," I sighed. Lyle laughed almost instantly.

"The incubus who literally hates all wolves but you has a werewolf gunning for him? The Moon Goddess is funny, isn't she?" He chuckled, fairly amused with the concept, though I couldn't claim him.

I hummed in response. "Artemis sure likes to fuck with us," I mumbled, shoving more food in my mouth.

Alpha started choking on his food, gaining everyone's attention. Once he calmed down, we expected him to explain his unexplained choking, but he just apologized and continued eating. Luna continued ranting about her book club while the three of us just nodded along. She asked quite a few questions that Lyle helped answer, which was oddly endearing.

Then came the questions we were not ready to answer.

"We will have to look at houses soon that are good for raising kids," Luna started, making me grimace and Lyle start coughing. "I've bought a few pregnancy books for male werewolves. Marissa suggested a few that her son read. I'll pass them off to you, Lyle, after I take my notes." The worst part was how serious she spoke about the topic.

"Mom, can we not? We aren't even fully bonded, yet," Lyle pleaded, glancing at Alpha for support.

Luna scoffed. "If this were any other situation, you'd be planning all the proper ceremonies and trying for babies already! I want grandchildren! It doesn't have to be now, but whoopsies happen and I want you to be prepared." She looked at us like we were the insane ones. "I never expected you'd be the one getting pregnant, Lyle, so I have to catch up on all the research."

Lyle was squirming in his seat and I could barely look anyone in the eye. This just wasn't something we were ready to be discussing. "Well, I suppose Lyle doesn't have to be the one getting pregnant," Alpha commented. All three of our heads snapped toward him as sudden anxiety swelled in me. "Since the only reason submissives usually can't get their dominant mate pregnant is because the sperm isn't strong enough compared to their dominant counterpart. Since you two are both Alphas, I don't see why Blaze couldn't get pregnant."

The Alpha of Alphas: Apollo (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now