“What the hell is that?” Cole sneers, lifting his head out from above the engine. Even Jack looks grossed out and for once it’s not because of a zombie.

            “A child,” I reply sternly, taking the boys hand and moving him next to me. Jagger lets go and moves to take Cole’s place, looking over the Hummer. “We found him inside.”

            Cole looks like he still can’t process what I just said. “And you took him?”

            I nod. “Yeah.”

            Cole opens his mouth, ready to snap at me when he quickly closes it and shakes his head. He turns to Jagger and throws him a set of keys. “If we can get this bad boy working, we’ll have a better ride. You up for syphoning some gas from the car?”

            Jagger shrugs and slams the hood of the yellow car with his palms. “Sure, but I’m not the one who’s going to be sucking.”

            Jack laughs and Cole shoots him a look, instantly shutting him up. We meet eyes and I give Jack a smirk, which he returns with red cheeks.

            “So where’s Emily?” Jack asks me when I lean against the driver’s door beside him. The toddler plops down on the ground beside me, sticking his fingers in his mouth. Bullet walks up and gives his cheek a lick. The boy giggles.

            “Jagger and I were wondering the same thing.”

            Jack looks confused and turns to the other guys who are searching in the trunk, trying to find something to help them. “Guys,” he says, but neither Jagger nor Cole listens. “Hey, guys,” he repeats. Still nothing. Aggravated, Jack slams his fist on the back door of the hummer and barks at them. “Guys!”

            I’ve never heard Jack sound so uptight before. It’s completely out of character for him and to do that, he must be really upset. Worry starts to creep its way into my bones as I follow him to the rear of the car.

            Cole’s eyes are wide with shock when I reach them. Jagger’s harder to read and stares at Jack with narrowed eyes, but I can still tell he’s as bewildered as I am. They’re both leaning forward on the opened trunk like it’s a counter.

            “What is it?” he asks, his voice calm.

            “Are you guys stupid?” he asks, completely serious. Cole opens his mouth to snap but Jagger holds his arm in front of him, silencing Cole’s words before they leave his lips. Jack continues as if he’s on a confidence spree, ignoring how angry he’s making Cole. “Have none of you noticed that we have no idea where Emily is?”

            Cole’s face falls. “What?”

            Jack sighs, finally getting everyone’s attention. “She wasn’t with Jagger and Sloane like we thought, and she isn’t with us.”

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