Chapter 13: New Sun Rising - Old Flower Blooming - Red Rose Blackened

Start from the beginning

Ghost: There's a living person 30 feet to our left. Just down the next corner.

Yang followed the Ghost around the corner to discover a strange sight.

A lone human had dragged a wooden chair into the middle of the street and was just sitting there watching a large Grimm with large and mostly broken horns. Parts of it's body were broken stone and would crumble whenever they tried to regenerate.

Ghost: Ooohkay. You should go talk to her, I'll wait in your backpack.

Before Yang could disagree, Ghost disappeared in a shimmer of white sparks.

Ghost: I'm still here. Just go talk to her.

Bewildered, Yang slowly continues forward. She walks until she comes to a stop beside the girl in the chair. The girl glances her silver eyes at her before focusing on the monster again.

Juno: Hm? Oh. It's just you, Xiao Long.

Yang: Huh? You know me?

Juno: No. She does, however. You are close friends after all.

Yang: She? Who's she?

Juno points at her chest.

Juno: The girl who's body I'm using. Imperia Byzantium.

Yang: If your body is Imperia Byzantium, then who are you?

Juno: Juno. My goal is to properly kill the Grimm Demon over there.

Yang looked at the beast as it struggled before looking back at Juno.

Yang: What are Grimm?

Juno's focus broke. She turned to look at Yang properly as her eyes glowed a lighter shade of silver. She raised a eyebrow in confusion.

Juno: Now that I look at you, you look taller. Older. And your body is pulsing with a power completely different from Aura. It's the exact same as that Gryphon character...

Yang's ears perked at that.

Yang: There's someone else like me? Do you know where they are?

Juno: No. He was one of the first to disappear when Beacon fell.

Yang: Beacon? Is that where we are?

Juno points towards the collapsed cliff with the waterfall. There's a large amount of debris there. She turns back and squints as Yang suspiciously.

Juno: That's Beacon...tell me, do you remember what weapon your sister used?

Yang's eyes widened.

Yang: I have a sister, too?

Juno: Good lord. What's happened to your memory, Yang Xiao Long?

Yang: The thing that revived me never- Ack! Not again! Pff! Bleh!

Juno deadpans as another hair gets stuck in the New Light's mouth. She struggles with it for a solid minute before getting it out.

Yang: Dammit! Do you have something sharp on you so I can cut this damn hair?

Juno pulls a knife from her boot and tosses it to her. Yang takes ahold of her hair and cuts it delicately, leaving two long tails of hair behind.

Yang: God, that is so much better.

Ghost appears from Yang's backpack to Juno's surprise.

Ghost: First- I'm a Ghost. Second- My name is Scale. Third- While you were talking I detected two more sources of Light on the planet. The closest one is in the desert and the other one is already heading that direction. We need a ship.

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