The big fight (Part 2)

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The fight was going according to plan, until a huge creature appeared infront of us.

The fight was going according to plan, until a huge creature appeared infront of us

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We didn't knew what to do, but we kept on fighting. We knew that this will not end well, but we still tried to do what we could.

"Son of a monkey! Holy guacamole! Why do I always get hit?" Bucky yelled.

"What happened Bucky?" I asked.

"I got hit. The monster hit me with his tail. I think I broke my leg and my hand."

Tony quickly got to Bucky and brought him to the tower and got someone to take care of him.

In that moment I knew that I needed to use my powers. So I started throwing fireballs at the creature. But as soon as I saw that it didn't do any damage, I combined all of the elements together and as soon as my shot hit the creature no damage was done.

Nobody knew what type of creature was it, but we still tried our best. I mean at least some of us. I wanted to bring Nat to a safe place, because she didn't had any powers, but she resisted. But as she was concentrating on the creature I quickly grab her and brought her to Bucky. I knew thatshe was mad at me, but I just couldn't lose her.

We were still fighting and  everything that we tried didn't do anything to the creature.

We started loosing hope until Nat gave us an idea. So we all started flying around him, so that we started messing with his head and for a moment it was working until he saw, Hulk standing on his own, so he grabbed him and threw him across the city. 

I asked Nat if she found anything about the creature, but she sadly didn't.

I started creating different weapons out of my hand and started throwing them at the creature, but it still didn't help. Until I got an idea. 

"Tony and Carol you guys need to start flying around him as fast as you guys can. Thor and Wanda you guys are going to use all of the power you guys have left. Bruce you are going to start punching him everywhere you can. Nat you need to search for the answers, like what creature this is and how to defeat him. I am going to help Wanda and Thor. And Bucky you have the most important job, you need to sing me the songs that I like, because it helps me concentrate. Do you guys understand?"

All of them said yes, so we got into positions for the attacke. I have to say that Bucky is a good singer. 

"On my signal. 3....2.....1...GO!!!"

Everything was going according to plan and we even did some damage to him. We finally did some progress, until the fire started coming out of his mouth. 

"I didn't see that coming." Pietro said while helping Bucky.

Now that we saw that the creature can breathe fire we didn't knew waht to do and we didn't have any ideas, which was even worst.

"Y/n you can still create objects out of your hands, right?" Bucky said.

"Yes, why, do you know how to defeat this thing?"

"Yes, but you won't like what I need to say."

"Please Bucky just tell me, like you can see we don't have time for this game and we are also losing."

"Ok, so you need to spawn like a shield of water around you and then fly right into his mouth and when you are inside him you are going to need to make a sharp weapon and you are going to cut him from his throat until you reach the end of his body."

"No, she will not do that, are you crazy? Please y/n don't do this, I need you. "

"Tasha, this is the only way that we can defeat him."

"I don't care and what if it doesn't work, what then?"

"If it doesn't work, then I don't know, but it's worth a try. Because if we don't try then we won't know if this is the way to defeat him."

"No, no, I don't care we will find another way."

"Tasha there is no other way, please just let me do this."

I could hear her crying, but we really had to at least try.

"Everyone please distract him, while I get ready. And guys if it doesn't work, I love you all. You guys were the closest thing I had to a family."

" Y/n this will work, ok and we will get back to the avengers tower and everythings is going to be just as it was." Bucky replied.

As they were distracting the creature I quickly grabed my phone and went to Google Translate. I don't speak russian, so I googled how to say I love you in russian.

"Why are you on your phone?" Tony asked.

I didn't answerd him, because I was running out of time.

"OK, guys I am ready and when I am gone please don't forget me. Love you all.

I started running directly at the creature, just like we planned. I made a shield out of water and started flying right into his mouth. But before I went into his mouth I had to say something to Nat.

"я люблю тебя Tasha always and forever."

(я люблю тебя--I love you)

(I hope you guys liked this chapter. The next chapter is going to be the last one.)

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