The beginning

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a/n: this is my first story, so I hope it will be good. If you have any other ideas please let me know.

Y/n Pov

As soon as Clint took me in I started to feel better, because I didn't think about that night that everything changed.

He trained me and I learned how to use a bow. If you ask me I became even better than him but he doesn't agree with me.

As soon as I turned 17 Clint said that I had to join the avengers. I always wanted to be an avenger but my parents wouldn't let me.

So on my 18 Birthday I went with Clint to work and met all the avengers. They were all very nice to me, especially Nat, Bucky, Sam,Wanda, Pietro and Carol.

Mr.Stark told me to come with him and that I have to tell him something about me and my past. I didn't won't to tell him everything, so I skipped a few parts that still hount me till this day.

After two hours of talking I was finally an avenger. Clint was very happy for me.

"Bucky can you please show y/n there room?" Tony asked.
"Of course Tony" he said.
"Y/n, please come with me." He said.

We instantly hit it off and became friends. He was very funny person and very smart.

Finally we got to my new room. It was so beautiful that I couldn't believe my eyes. "I am gonna get back to the others, when you are ready you can come down to. " he said. I just nodded and started to look around my room.

I even had my own shower and the biggest bed I had ever seen. When I unpacked everything that I had I went down to the living room, where I saw all the avengers at one place.

Everyone started introducing themselves but if you ask me that wasn't really necessary because I was there biggest fan.

"And what is your name?" Steve asked.
"Y/n." I answered.
"That's a beautiful name." He said.
I just smiled at him.

We all started talking about different things, until Tony started yelling taht we need to be quiet. Finally everyone was quiet and Tony started talking about a party that we are having tonight. I am not a party person but 21st would want to miss a avengers party, so I didn't say anything.

There was only one problem. I didn't have anything nice to wear. Natasha knew just by the look on my face that something was wrong, so she came to me and asked me what was wrong. I told her that I didn't ha e anything nice to wear, so we went together to her room.

Her room was right across my, so that is cool I thought to my self.

As soon as we entered her room I could feel that this women would have a lot of clothes. And of course I was right. Her whole wardrobe was filled with clothes. I didn't even know how she knew where everything was, because of all the clothes.

I just stood there waiting for her to find me something. Finally she found a long black dress. It was perfect and it was even my size.

"Go try it on." She said.
So I went to her bathroom to change. As soon as I walked out of the bathroom I could see that she started blushing, but I didn't said anything.

"What do you think?" I asked her.
"Y/n you look stunning." She said.

I went back to the bathroom to change to my normal clothes. When a was done I opened the bathroom door and seeing Natasha sleeping.

I didn't want to help her so I went back to my room. I took a piece of paper and a pen and wrote down "Thank you Natasha for the dress, I will give it back tomorrow. Y/n."

I went to her room and put the pice of paper under her door. And went back to my room to get some rest before the party.

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