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The next day me, Nat, Pietro and Wanda had a mission. It was a small mission.

When I was done dressing it was Nat's turn. As soon as she went in I started cleaning the room.

After a few minutes she came out and both went down to see if Pietro and Wanda were all ready to go.

As we came down we saw Steve. Nat didn't even look at him and I did the same.

After five minutes Wanda and Pietro came and we went to look for Fury. When we finally found him, he started talking about all the information that we will need on our mission.

When he was done we went outside. Pietro picked Wanda up and used superspeed to get to the location. I didn't know if me and Nat should do the same,but than I remembered that she doesn't even know that I have superpowers.

"Could you do something like that?" She  asked me, but I could see taht she meant it as a joke.

"Ofcourse, I could do that but a little bit different." I replied.

She started looking at me all confused.
"Do you trust me?" I asked.
"Ofcourse I trust you. Wait, what are you going to do?"

"Just hold on tight." I said.

I picked her up and as soon as I jumped we were in the air flying above the city. I could see that she didn't expect that to happen. She was a little bit scared but when I asked her if she was she said no.

As soon as we arrived to our location, we saw Wanda and Pietro waiting for us.

"So, how are we gonna do this? Wanda asked.

"First, Pietro is going to go look around the building to see if there are any cameras or any guards, then Wanda you and I will go in first because we have powers and that Nat is going to be walking  behind us. Pietro you are going to stay outside and as soon as you see anyone coming come to us. Everything clear?" I asked at the end.

They all nodded and we got in the building. There were no cameras around it so we went in. It was quiet, until out of nowhere someone turned the lights off. We couldn't see a thing so I started to make fire out of my hands.

I could see that they were all confused because they didn't know anything about me having powers.

Because of the fire in my hands we could see again. We could hear the guards coming, so we made ourselves ready for the fight.

We started fighting. I didn't look good for us because we were only three fighting so we ran outside, because we had a lot more place and I could use my powers.

We started fighting again. The guards were just coming at us like there was no end, there were so many and one even stabbed Nat in the stomach.

I quickly ran to her to see if she was alright. It was very deep cut, so I called Pietro to pick up Nat and Wanda and that they get back home.

No lookedat me all confused.

" I will be alright, but I can't us emy magic if all of you are here."

Pietro picked Nat and Wanda up and I saw them dissappear.

Finally after a long time I could use my powers properly. A started shaking the floor and they couldn't stay still so I started throwing fireballs at them. The mission was to kill all of them so ofcourse I did that.

When I was done I went back home to check on Nat and the others. As soon as I came I saw Tony and I asked him if he knew where Nat was. He nodded and told me that she is in my room.

As soon as I got to my room I saw Nat lying on my bed. She was very tired, so as I wanted to leave she said something.

'What, do you need something?" I asked.

"Yes, I need you, so can you please come here and stay with me?"She asked.

I turned around and got in the bed. I asked her if I could see the cut. As soon as she lifted her shirt, I could see a lot of stitches. I really felt bad for her, I wanted to do something but I knew taht I couldn't.

So we just laid there in the silence, until she asked me about my powers.
I didn't want to answer at first but I knew that I could trust her.

"It all started when I was little. Me and my parents went to a roadtrip, but then out of no where something came and the car crashed. I couldn't see anything but I could feel that someone was carrying me out of the crashed car. The police didn't found the car for about two weeks. And these two weeks I couldn't talk or see I could only hear and feel things. The person that the person who picked me up was starting to put me down on something hard. After five minutes I heard a few more voices and that was all that i can remember. They did someyhing to me and so I got my powers. But when police found me I was still at the car with my dead parents. After the car crash Clint took me in and we became a family."

She didn't said a word. I was scared that  it was too much for her. But then she slowly got up and pulled me into a hug. I was so happy that I had her in my life.

After three hours we heard someone knocking on the door. It was Bucky.

"Hey you two lovebirds, how are you doing?"he asked.

I could feel my face turning red, but thankfully Nat answered the question and as I turned to her I could see that she was blushing a little.

After about 15 minutes Bucky left and we were left alone. We started watching a movie, I didn't know the name of it but it was a great movie.

As we were watching the movie I could feel her hand near my hand. I really wanted to hold her hand but I didn't know how she would feel, sk I looked away from our hands.

After a while I could see her hand moving towards my hand.l, but I acted like I didn't saw her hand moving. Then I felt her warm hand on mine. I didn't want to look down because it would make all this awkward.

We were holding hands,I was so happy but at the same time I didn't know how to feel. Well ofcourse i was happy but there was something else.

Unseen love (Natasha Romanoff x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now