the party

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Finally it was time for party, so I got up and got  dressed and did  everything that was left to do.

I wanted to see if Nat was still asleep  but I was scared so I went down to the party.

Everyone was already there except for Natasha. When I asked Bucky where Natasha was, he said probably in her room, so I went back up and knocked on her room. She was still sleeping.

I started walking to her bed and something told me that I should let her sleep, but I still went up to her and before I a placed my hand on her arm and saying her name, she grabbed me and throw me on the bed and her on top of me.

"Y/n what are you doing?" She asked.
I just starred at her until she asked me again.
"The party has already started." I said.

As soon as she heard this five words she immediately jumped out of bed and got to the bathroom and started changing.

I didn't know how she just flipped me over, but I didn't think much of it, so I just sat on the bed waiting for her to get   ready.

Finally she came out of the bathroom looking absolutely stunning but I didn't know what to say so I just starred at her. I could see taht she started smiling a little.

"Thanks for waiting." She said.
I just nodded.

As soon as we came down everyone started starring at us, so I started walking faster to get to Bucky.

He asked me if I wanted to drink something and ofcourse I sad yes.
When he came back, we started talking about what happened with his arm. He told me about Hydra and everything that he did. I felt bad for him so I hugged him and I must  say that that was one of the best hugges ever.
From that night I knew that I could trust him.

Than we started talking about other things until Sam,Nat, Carol, Wanda and Pietro came. We all started talking about same things until Tony said that we should play some games.

We all meet up with other avengers and started talking about which game we should play.

We started playing "Truth or Dare". Tony went first and asked:"Thor, Truth or dare?"
"Truth." Thor answered.
"Why do you love that hammer so much?" Tony asked.
'Can't you see how perfect and beautiful this hammer is. It's even more beautiful than you." Thor said. Of course they were only joking, well at least I think they were.

Now it was Thors turn to ask someone and he chose Natasha. She chose dare just because Thor chose Truth last round. I was a bit tired and Thor saw that so she dared her to come sit in my lap. I didn't have anything against it so she came to me and sat down.

Finally we stopped playing that game and others wanted to start playing "Spin the bottle" but I was so tired that I said goodnight to everyone and went to my room.

I could hear someone walking behind me and as I turned  I saw Natasha.
"Are you tired?" I asked her.
"No,she replied. I just wanted to make sure that you weren't uncomfortable when I was sitting on your lap." She said.
"No, ofcourse not." I replied.
"Oh, ok, than goodnight, see you tomorrow." Nat said.
"Goodnight." I replied.

When I came to my room I instantly fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning I saw that I was still in my dress, so I quickly jumped out of bed and took a shower. When I was done I got dressed and went to Nats room to see if she was still sleeping.

Lucky she was already awake, so I thanked her again for the dress but when I wanted to give her the dress back she said that I could keep it, because she doesn't fit in it anymore.

I was very happy.
"Thanks for the note yesterday."She said.
"Yeah no problem, I just wanted to let you know." I replied.

She quickly got dressed and than both went down to get some breakfast.

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