Chapter 28: Anything But Love [Part 1]

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"(Y/n)! So nice to visit us after so many time!" Shinobu smiled at me. Then directed her attention to Kirigaya.
"Looks like you received your surprise on the way here!"

"Yep! Nothing better than a wonderful surprise visit from my beloved Kirigaya!" I nodded, ruffling Kirigaya's hair. He giggled.
"He really lifts my spirits up."

"How was everything with Rengoku-san, by the way?" Shinobu asked.

"(Y/n) and the flame pillar kiss--" Kirigaya blurted out, to which I acted quickly.

"Bonded*!! Kyōjuro-san and I got along pretty well and bonded quite fast!"

Shinobu smiled at me, her eyes closed.
I felt nervous.
I could almost feel her trying to read my soul and uncover my lie.

But no.

She just tilted her head to the side and clasped her hands together.

"My, my! That's very nice! Well, come in! I'm sure that Shinazugawa-san will be okay with you spending some time with everyone else!"

"Thank you--" I nodded, taking off my shoes.
My mind soon clicked as I looked at Shinobu with bewilderment.
"Wait, 'everyone else'?"

"(Y/n)-san!!" I heard a male voice calling me.
As I looked at the hall, I saw a short boy with long hair that was tinted turquoise at the ends.
I sighed happily.


"Big bro Muichirooooooooo!" Kirigaya cheered, rushing past me and jumping into Muichiro's arms.

The aforementioned male spun Kirigaya around a little and, after a few cuddles and tickling, Muichiro set him down, jogged towards me and, just like Kirigaya, he jumped into my arms and hugged me tightly.

"I missed you so much!"

"So did I!" I hummed, hugging back.
I soon broke the hug, holding his hands
"Your letters and poems always made my day!"

"I'm glad they did!" Muichiro beamed.

"And when did you got along so well with Kirigaya?" I side-smiled, chuckling.

"Big bro comes to visit me every two days!" Kirigaya said happily
"he always brings me lots of gifts!"

"Even Kirigaya?!" I gasped, soon looking at Muichiro in disbelief, scolding him almost.
"Muichiro, just how much money are you spending on Kirigaya and I?!"

Muichiro hummed as he frowned lightly, deep in thought.

He suddenly smiled with tranquility, shrugging even.

"I don't know!"

"How will you pay your food!? Your clothing?! O-or other house expenses?!" I asked, holding Muichiro by his shoulders.

"What is food~?" Muichiro smiled, eyes closed.
"Haven't heard of that in a long time~"

"Oh my god, if you're starving yourself to death, I'll--"

"Stop bickering and follow me!" Kirigaya whined, holding my hand and leading me somewhere.
Kirigaya smiled proudly at me.
"I'm gonna show you the super cool things that Muichiro brought me!"

"Muichiro-san even brought Kirigaya new medicine books and more instruments for his experiments." Shinobu added, walking next to me. By my right side, to be precise. Muichiro walked by my left side.
"He really grew fond of Kirigaya."

"Who wouldn't grow fond of such an amazing kid like him!" Muichiro smiled, Kirigaya's eyes glimmered with joy.

"How have been things going on? How's everyone?" I asked, looking at Shinobu.

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