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In the end my investigations really didn't lead me anywhere. Fairly, I don't know what what I was expecting. Probably I got too lost in the moment and thought someone would come over and be like:

'Yes. I want you dead'.

Looks like I'll have to come up with another plan. It just occurred to me how good people are at hiding stuff. First the Taehyung thing and now Lisa's memory loss. It makes sense right? Even I've been on the brim of sanity for weeks now, fighting my demons- not metaphorically, and no one knows. Or atleast in my perspective no one knows.

"How much?"

Taehyung's voice. I thanked my body for having an immediate reaction for the first time in long while. I left the vegetable section and walked to the cashier seeing Taehyung billing something. Fuck yes this is my chance.

"Kim Taehyung!"

I yelled loud enough making sure he heard me. He did, and he definately wasn't the only one who did.
He looked back at me for five seconds then looked ahead again removing some money from a wallet. I went up to him not caring about his hate for me anymore.

I'm gonna clear stuff today and spill the truth and make him trust me and only then I'm leaving. If he doesn't believe me I'll take him to the school and show him the cctv of the time when the messages was uploaded and show him I wasn't doing anyt-.

"I know it wasn't you."


My eyes popped out of my sockets as he glanced at me with a poker face. The thanked the cashier and took his bag of groceries. No he isn't just leaving like this.

"You dare fucking run away again Taehyung."

He stopped on his tracks and took a deep breath walking towards me. I gazed in his lost eyes and gor the first time I heard those words come out of his mouth.

"I'm sorry."


The devastated figure forced his body on his desk before turning on his pc. He took in her words and no matter how much it hurt his pride, it all made sense. Not the fact that she was in the hallways removing her books when the message was uploaded, but the fact that it was a message set to be sent 9 hours later. It wasn't uploaded there and then so there was no use checking people's activities at that time.

The message was uploaded at exactly 8:37 am. Which means it was actually uploaded 11:37 pm the night before. He knew he'd get something out of taking computer science seriously.

And ofcourse his other buisness.

He opened their school platform's database and went to the list of all the students in their college. Definately thousands. Creating a satisfying echoing sound, his fingers moved on the keyboard, determined, knowing what exactly to do.


The list was shortened now. To just 17 people. The list of everyone who was active on the platform at 11:37pm that night. His eyes scanned through the names not finding a "Yuri" amongst all the unknown names.

All the unknown names except for one known name.

@ ******
Posts: 1     Dep: ****    Year: 2

Full Name: ***** *****

Bio: I like mint chocolate go cry about it.


4 months ago


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