Chapter 73: Siblings Pair T-Shirt

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Because of Su Bei's neglectfulness, Mr. Qin secretly felt gloomy. But he never mentioned it again, and this incident was over. However, within two days, he found another thing that made him even angrier.

That Saturday, there was no 'Red Hacker Challenge.' Taking advantage of this free time, Su Bei went to Su Xiaobao's room to take his laundry. To be exact, she was going to wash his worn underwear and socks.

Jingyuan didn't have a live-in domestic helper. Their clothes usually were cleaned by people arranged by Uncle Fu. However, for things like underwear and socks, Su Bei was still more used to wash it herself.

It wasn't easy to collect Su Xiaobao's laundry. Boys and girls were different. Girls usually were used to keeping things neat and tidy, while boys had no qualms about throwing their clothes all over the place. Fortunately, Su Bei knew Su Xiaobao very well and found all the clothes Su Xiaobao's threw at every corner of his room.

"How about these? Clean or dirty? Wash or not wash?" Su Bei pulled out a pair of crumpled pants from Su Xiaobao's closet and asked uncertainly.

Su Xiaobao was playing a game. When he heard Su Bei's question, he raised his head to glance at the pants in Su Bei's hand.

"Clean, no need to wash."

Young man, how do you tell it is clean? Su Bei secretly mused in curiosity. However, she calmly folded the pants neatly and put it back into the closet.

Su Bei: "And this. I only found one of these socks. Where is the other one?"

Su Xiaobao stared at the sock in Su Bei's hand for a while. His expression was confused, as if the sock wasn't his and he didn't remember ever saw it before.

Su Bei: "..."

She has long accustomed to this situation. Forget it. If he didn't remember, then just wash it. The other one would appear when they no longer searching for it.


After Su Xiaobao finished one round of the game, Su Bei remembered her conversation with Xu Yangyang and asked Su Xiaobao: "Is it true that you guys will form a team to participate in a tournament?"

Su Bei didn't know much about gaming. But according to Xu Yangyang, it seemed to be a pretty big event.

Su Xiaobao: "Who said that?"

Su Bei: "Xu Yangyang."

"Not true." Su Xiaobao replied immediately.

"Eh?" Su Bei raised her brows: "Why not? Don't you have a good time playing together?"

Su Xiaobao's face instantly darkened, and he answered with an annoyed tone: "Too many idiots. Who wants to bring them?"

Among them, Xie Minxuan was still okay, but the others were totally out. Especially Xu Yangyang. He was simply a genius in pitting his teammates! Like this match just now, their team originally took the lead. However, Xu Yangyang, whose HP was at a dire, flew to the forefront and got slaughtered.

Su Xiaobao looked calm on the outside, but he fiercely scolded the idiot in his heart.

At this time, the others have begun a tirade against Xu Yangyang.

[Chen Zian]: Xu Yangyang, are you brain-dead? Why did you run around?

[Liu Kai]: Yeah. Did you play with your toes today?

[Xu Yangyang]: It's been a long time since the last time I played. My hand slipped, hehe.

[Xu Yangyang]: And you can't just blame me alone, ah. Du Yiming is a jungler. If he did his job well, did I still need to come forward?

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