Chapter 2: Upcoming Trouble

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The next day, when Su Bei arrived at her class, everyone looked at her with strange eyes. Unpertubed, she calmly entered the classroom.

"Hey, look at Su Bei's face, was she beaten by Sister Mei yesterday, how ruthless ah."

"Eh, it's pitiful, just looking at it make me ached."

Several girls in the class pointed to Su Bei's swollen face, whispering. There was no sympathy in their tone, just gloating with joy.

"How can she be pitiful? She asked for it, who told her to go seduce young master Xu. Dare to like young master Shu, is she worthy? Didn't she know what kind of trash is she, shameless."

"Yeah. An ug- slut being shameless. "

One of the girls originally wanted to say that an ugly girl doing shameless things, but when she looked at Su Bei's face that still look better than her even when swollen, the girl swallowed back the word 'ugly'.

Yet her eyes looking at Su Bei were full of sarcasm and with a hint of jealousy.

"What kind of parents gave birth to this kind of child? Yeah, do you what did her mother do before?"

" What did she do?"

"I heard my grandmother say that her mother sold her body."

"Fuck! How disgusting."

"You see Su Bei like this, won't she later also ...... "

"All of you shut up! "

The girls were shocked by Su Xiaobao's sudden roar. After turning around to see the angry Su Xiaobao, they subconsciously took a step back.

A girl however still stubbornly force herself to face Su Xiaobao, "We can say whatever we want. It's none of your business. Or what? You take our words as personal attack and want to make trouble?"

"A boy like you wants to hit a girl? How can ah? "

"Do you think I won't dare?" Su Xiaobao clenched his fists.

"You ... Su Xiaobao, I tell you, other classmates are watching, you don't mess up."

Usually, when other students gossiped behind their back, the twins would only act deaf even if they overheard it. Who ever thought that Su Xiaobao would really moved his hands.

The whole class still remember the first day of school term. There were a few boys from other class who deliberately pulled Su Bei's clothes. When Su Xiaobao fought with those guys, his fierceness frightened other students.

"Su Xiaobao." At this moment, Su Bei pulled Su Xiaobao.

This kind of uncontrollable tongue always exist everywhere. And those words were like the sound of construction building next door, not worth listening to.

There is no need to argue with these people.

Moreover, here is classroom, and if he really fight them, he and Su Bei would be the only ones who got into trouble.

"Don't let me hear those words again, otherwise I will tear your mouth!" Su Xiaobao glared at the girls. They were frightened by him and stopped talking.

The discussion about Su Bei in the class subsided completely with Su Xiaobao's sudden outburst, and the noisy students also returned to their seats.

After seeing Su Xiaobao sit on his seat, Su Bei also returned to her seat.


Ten minutes after school started.

Usually around this time, Su Bei would silently hand over her homework to the team leader's desk. But today, Zhang Sha did not receive Su Bei's work.

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