drunk kiss ; yutaro

336 16 1

ship: nakamoto yuta x osaki shotaro
request from: Purplejamx10 on trope #1 [types of kisses]

"one more!" yuta drunkenly yells, in his native language.

shotaro looks at the bartender before shaking his head without yuta noticing. the bartender takes the hint and leaves the place. yuta sees the man leave and whines, saying he wanted his drink.

"yuta-kun, you've had too much to drink-"

"its never too much booze, taro-chan" yuta snickers. the man doesn't last long as his body was already giving up from the strong and high concentration of alcohol in his system.

eyes shutting down, yuta's elbow slips off the table before his face almost falls but he was lucky enough shotaro caught him.

he felt yuta move and snuggle by his side. afraid so he doesn't fall on the ground he wrapped his arm around him. it was when yuta looked up at shotaro from his messy hair. he was so worn out. yuta giggles silently, but he felt so dizzy at the time it was like he was lacking of air.

apparently, he could use some sleep as well. he felt his head slowly falling down until his forehead stopped touching shotaro's.

it was too late to think sanely. time disappeared. it could be seconds it could be hours they sat like this. with no sight, no sound. it was timeless. it was like a vacuum. if you let go of any focus, you could almost forgot there is any kind of physical world. only yuta's warm breaths reminded him of where they were.

he opened his eyes, unrushed. and first thing shotaro saw was yuta's round, dark eyes. soft rays of the bar's neon lights reflected in his iris. he took a deeper breath, and was about to start something and he was trying so hard to hear that muffled whisper, but the sound never came out. instead, yuta's lips pushed at his with raising force. first the warmth of exhaled air on his cheek then yuta's upper lip stroking his paring mouth.

shotaro doesn't pull back even though it was sudden. he loved it. he loved the feeling of yuta's tender lips sucking his own, reeked of martini. the taste of the drink made it even spicier, in literal terms. thank goodness shotaro had only a mild fruity cocktail to balance out the strong taste on yuta's lips.

he pushes himself further and runs his hand through yuta's long hair, loving the feeling of the soft platinum colored strands on his fingers. yuta's hand makes its way on shotaro's jaw and waist. he slowly pulls apart and kisses the younger's jaw. the hand on his waist runs down his spine, shotaro feeling a sudden a spark.

yuta leaves another kiss on shotaro's lips and nose, before his body completely gives up and shotaro having to hold him. reality hits him. whatever they had done in the past few minutes, his cheeks flush a bright red and he softly chuckles.

"just one more..." yuta mumbles.

"no. you're too drunk to even function properly, let's just go home-"

"i didn't mean the drink" yuta slurs. them conversing in japanese made the older sound even hotter to shotaro. seeing where it was going, his face flushes before yuta dives in for another drunken kiss.

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