Chapter 32: Improper!

Start from the beginning

Qin Shao glanced at Su Xiaobao. He held back his temper and asked, "Do you think it's okay for Xiaobei to walk around like that?"

Su Xiaobao: "..."

Of course not. But Qin Shao was so fierce Su Bei just now, it made him very upset.

Su Bei, who had changed her clothes, got out of the car and walked to Mr. Qin's side.


Qin Shao carefully examined her appearance. Su Bei had changed into the school uniform that radiated the aura [successfully reduced the early campus love phenomenon by 80%]. The stern expression on Mr. Qin's face finally eased a bit.

Qin Shao: "Want to stay?"

"Uh-huh." Su Bei's head looked like a chicken pecking rice. When they were still in Hongxing County's Third Middle School, there were not many school events. Even if the students organized some kind of activities, no one would invite her and Su Xiaobao.

Looking at Su Bei's sparkling eyes filled with 'expectations', Mr. Qin felt a headache. In the end, he relented and only emphasized two things: "Directly come home after the school activities ended and immediately call me if something happened." As for that little brat from Xie family, he still had to investigate it clearly. Just put it aside for now.

"Okay", Su Bei's face was filled with a smile: "Thank you, Dad. See you later~"

Grinning from ear to ear, Su Bei dragged Su Xiaobao and ran back to the school building. The twins didn't notice this scene being taken into the phone by a nearby student who originally planned to leave early.

Looking at the two children's figures that had disappeared from the school gate, Mr. Qin let out a rare sigh before getting back into the car. After leaving two cars to continue waiting at the school gate, he instructed the driver to go to the company.

Inside the car, Qin Shao was looking at the photo album inside his mobile phone. There were more than 20 photos that he took inside the auditorium: Some were when Su Bei greeted the audiences on the stage; some were when Su Bei started playing the piano; and finally, the photo of her curtain call. Qin Shao picked a few and shared it on his WeChat.

As for the photos of Su Bei's group dance, when Mr. Qin took a look, his eyes instantly dimmed. He put away his phone, determined to permanently 'bury' these photos in his phone album.


On the way back, Su Bei remembered one thing.

Su Xiaobao: "What's wrong?"

"I forgot something." She just forgot to ask Mr. Qin if he saw her performance. For some inexplicable reason, Su Bei really cared about this.

Su Bei's mobile phone suddenly shook twice. It was from Mr. Qin: Your performance is good.

Su Xiaobao, who didn't know her mind, asked: "Forget what?"

"Nothing." Su Bei shook her head and secretly smiled. Holding the mobile phone, her light brown eyes overflowed with joy and excitement. When she was at it, Su Bei also immediately changed the contact name [Mr. Qin] saved by Uncle Fu with [Dad]. Right after that, Mr. Qin sent another message: Don't play too late.

When Su Bei and Su Xiaobao returned to the classroom, their class had already drawn the lot for the intra-class social activities. Su Bei immediately heard a 'bad news' from her deskmate Dong Wenqi—their class was paired with class 8-2.

Looking at Su Bei's calm but somewhat excited expression, Dong Wenqi was speechless: "Are you not worried or nervous? Not at all?"

"Why should I nervous?" Su Bei was confused.

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