Now It's Haruhi's Turn🏠

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      "Haru-chan, we take off our shoes?" Honey pointed out as she did it. She nodded, "Yes, please." This had me thinking as I turned to Savannah, "Didn't we talk about having the guys doing that when they come over to our house eventually?" She started to sweat and laugh nervously, "W-Well, you see...everything was happening at once, and...and...I'm sorry." I shook my head at her and turned back to the main conversation. We all walked into house, settling into the sitting room after taking off our shoes. I whispered a quiet sorry to Haruhi as we walked by, and she just smiled softly at me. "Talk about small!" "You wouldn't expect a light to be hanging down there, huh?" There were plenty more comments, but started to tune out when Tamaki started talking. He stared intensely, "It looks like we haven't given commoners' housing enough credit. All right, it's tight in here, so everyone try your best to sit gym-style." The 3 of us just rolled out eyes slightly and sat like we usually do. "Dear," Savannah chuckled and patted Tamaki's shoulder. "I know this is just some ignorance to our ways of housing, but try to keep the comments to yourself. Honestly, I don't Haruhi to get anymore annoyed at us popping up out of nowhere." Tamaki thought about for a moment and nodded, understanding her point. 

      Haruhi groaned to herself, thinking no one could hear her from the kitchen, "I'll put some tea on." "Oh, Haruhi," Hikaru called to her. He pulled out an orange little bag with sun patterns all over it, "As far as tea goes, I have this black tea that our father bought as a souvenir from Africa. Here. I got some for you too, Dayna." He handed over both, but Dayna slightly cringed at it. She shrugged, "I'm not really a tea person. Savannah, you want it?" "Sure, Rose would probably like some for her writing session tonight." And she was most certainly correct about that. Haruhi didn't seem too indifferent to it, seeming somewhat interested in it. Kaoru added, "It's best as a milk tea. Do you have any milk?" "I think, when's the last time we bought milk?" For some reason that triggered Tamaki to pull in both twins into some whispering. "You idiots!" He yelled quietly. "How could you do something like this to her? Are you trying to embarrass Haruhi by giving her that stuff?" Embarrass...her? "Look at how Haruhi is at a total loss over what to do!" He continued. Now he has the twins believing in this shit. Dayna slid over to add her own thoughts into it, "You guys are being so dramatic. It's tea, hasn't she-" "She doesn't have a teapot, Dayna! And she can't bring herself to tell us so!" The twins sobbed quietly. There's always that time in our days where we ask ourselves....'That's the man I'm going for?' Kaoru tried to retract his offer, but the tea was already done so....all for nothing!

      Savannah sighed at the continued talk between Tamaki and the twins, "There's no telling, but one of our offhanded remarks might inflict serious damage upon Haruhi's heart. Thus, in this fight...whoever embarrasses Haruhi is the loser." "Darling, I know you care about her feelings and being totally's just-" "You're overthinking it," Dayna finished for her, experiencing Savannah annoyed glared after saying it. Kyoya spoke up as well, "I haven't the slightest idea why you need to turn this into a contest." "Just like Dayna said, you guys are taking this shit too far honestly. And that's coming from me," I joined it. Haruhi came back in with the tray of tea, also apologizing that all the cups don't match. The cakes were brought out and Haruhi got first picks, soon picking a strawberry one. All of this moment was mixed in with The Three Stooges making such a fuss about....whatever in the hell they had in their little pea brains. "Do you have any medicine for headaches on you, Kyoya?" Dayna and I turned to him.

      We all finished our slice, enjoying the aftertaste pleasantly. "After eating that cake, I'm getting a bit peckish," Honey sighed. "Now that you mention it, it is long past lunchtime." Kyoya stood up, "Now, we're the ones who dropped in on you without warning, so we'll put up the money." Such a gentlemen~ Savannah was the one to catch me slightly drooling Kyoya when he did that...I love me a man with smarts and a gentlemen side of things, what can I say! Haruhi objected to this for a reason that it'll end up piling onto the still large sum of debt she has with them, but of course Kyoya already had that figured out as well. Pulling out a gold card, he pushed up his glasses, "Not to worry. This comes out of sales of photos of you that we auctioned." Savannah slightly shook her head looking at me. "And she talks about me..." She thought to herself.

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