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I've been here at my uncle's house for 2 days now. No more calls from Ahkeem, my uncle seems lost in a far away world. And as for me, my mind is all over the place. Finding out my dad has been cheating on my mom the whole time was definitely a hard pill to swallow. And to think they were able to keep all this away from my brother and I. The police really aren't making this situation any better. Once they found out that my mom shot my dad and his mistress, they've been bothering the hell out of me. Asking me questions about their marriage, asking about Ahkeem and what he knows. They even asked me did I have a role mom's plan. I honestly don't say anything at all. Once I've told them once I knew nothing, I never saw the reason to tell them twice. Just leave me alone and let me grieve in peace.

"Aye Mi! Come down stairs for a second will ya?", my uncle yelled from the kitchen. "Yea I'm coming!", I yelled back. I can see a male figure standing on the outside of my uncle's glass front door. Who the hell is that? I walk into the kitchen and see my uncle sitting at the table with a bunch of paperwork on the table with a ashtray full of cigarette butts. My uncle smokes like I chain when he's stressed out. "Mi come sit down there is a few things I need to discuss with you". I pull a chair up beside him sat down and start trying to see if I can tell what kind of paperwork he has. Even though I'm pretty sure he's gonna tell me, I still want to know for myself first. I hate surprises. " So imma go ahead and get straight to the point. Your brother Ahkeem was rushed to the hospital at 2am. He's overdosed on drugs. I'm sorry Mi", my uncle said looking at me straight in the eye. Ahkeem in the hospital? Drugs? What the hell this boy got going on? This isn't my brother we talking about. Just a few days ago my nerdy ass annoying brother would stay up all night studying and a night out is a game of chess with his nerdy ass friends. Now he calling me talking about the streets, and this morning he overdosed on drugs? It's just not sitting right on my mental. Someone has to be forcing him to say and do these things. That's the only thing that makes any sense right now. " Unc you sure they got the right person? That don't even sound like something Ahkeem would even do. I mean drugs? Come on now there's no way that's my brother" I said looking my uncle back in his eyes. " Listen Mi I understand more bad news is hard to bare right now", my uncle said placing his hands on top of mine "But obviously it's some shit about your brother that we both don't know". I sighed in agreement. He's right. Obviously there is. My life is becoming this big nightmare. Even though it's hard to believe, I guess we have no choice but to.
My light bulb came on. I realized my uncle and I have been sitting here talking and not once have he mentioned this strange guy at the door. Guess I'll break the ice and ask myself. "Unc I saw somebody standing at the door. Who is it" I asked. "Someone at the door?", my uncle asked looking confused. " Uh yeah looks like a man standing at the door I thought you knew ", I said now looking into the direction of the front door. " Nah I ain't know. But imma find out", my uncle said. He gets up and walks reward the front door. I get up behind him and walk halfway. Just enough to be able to hear and see what's going on. I hear my uncle open the door. I peep around the wall and see a tall man dressed in all black. I could barely see his face but I can see his hands. He was a dark mocha color. My uncle and this man have a short conversation that I could barely hear. He peeps his head out the door, looks around and steps outside closing the door behind him. Wel I guess everything is okay here. I walk back upstairs to the guest room. We'll I guess it's my room now. I look over at my three suitcases sitting on the side of the bed. I haven't mentally prepared myself to fully move in. It's gonna be hard unpacking knowing I could never go back home. I miss home. I miss my mom and my dad. I miss my brother. I open my small pink duffle bag and see a picture of my parents sitting on the top. I grabbed it and sat down. Later the picture on my lap and just stared at it. My imagination began to soar. I can see mental images of the way things used to be. My dad outside on the grill playing his old school hip hop. I can see my mom sitting in her lounge chair with a elegant glass of lemonade. And they're both talking. Laughing glancing into each other's eyes every chance they could get. Giving each other winks thinking my brother and I don't know what they mean. My brother would be in the house playing his game or his head inside a book. And I'll be in the pool getting my feet wet texting and talking on my phone. It's the little moments like that I'll miss. And here comes the tears. Flowing and flowing nonstop with unexplainable emotions behind them. My mental was just all over the place it's hard to grapse rhe fact that they are gone. Ime feeling so much anger and sadness between the both of them. Mad that my dad would go and fins another woman. As good as mom was to him. And upset with my mom for not knowing her worth. She took a risk that could have wiped away all her freedom. But instead it wiped away her life. And to rhe bitch who jumped up and shot my mom, I hope she rots in hell. I have no sympathy for her. A thumping sound coming from downstairs interrupted my thoughts. "Get the fuck off me man I don't know where he is!", I heard my uncle yelling from down stairs. What the hell is going on now? I dig through my pink duffel bag looking for my blue taser. And began to tip toe towards the stair case. I look down and I see the same man dressed in all black holding my uncle up by his shirt with a gun towards his head. " Tell me where the fuck he at now!", the strange man yelled. The sound of his voice made me jump. And also the staircase squeak. He sees me. Oh shit. My stomach fell to my ass. But I didn't show any fear. That's how people like this think they got you. They prey on the weak. " You know what?", the strange man asked pulling my uncle back to his feet. " Today is your lucky day. Since I see you got a witness, I ain't gonna kill you. Yet. But if I find out you know where this boy at, I'm coming back and I'm gonna kill your ass. Understand?", said the strange man with his eyes locked on me. " Yeah man I understand I gotcha man I told you I don't know", my uncle said. I could see him trembling at the knees. I ain't never seen my uncle weak before. The strange man took one more look at my uncle before walking away. Once the door closed. My uncle let out a sigh of relief. " Mi come here baby girl I'm so sorry you had to see that. I don't know what's going on but fuck that dude he gone get his don't you worry. " Unc who is he and why this man want to kill you?", I asked confused with tears rolling down my cheeks. "Baby girl he was here asking about your brother. Are you sure that you don't know anything about your brother no one else does ?". "Nnnnn no I iii don't ", I stuttered. I was petrified and I could see my Unc was too. He pulled me down towards him and held me while I cried. I don't know what Ahkeem has going on but at this pint I'm scared for my brother's and uncle's life, my life. This is way too much to handle. I got to know what's going on. I got to go see my brother.

Three weeks without my parents. Three weeks of not knowing what's going on with Ahkeem. Three weeks of pain and misery. Three weeks of just existing. Three weeks. More like 10 years. What I'm going through right now is unbearable. And it seems if no one around me is making it any better. My unc practically scared me into not going to see my brother. I don't care who's looking for him I'm all he has at this point and I can't bare to leave him alone feeling like this. I should be there holding his hand. But according to my uncle I should stay away for my safety. I don't agree. What else is there to live for? I get up out my bed, slide on my pink fluffy slippers and make my way to the bathroom. I turn the shower on and turn around to look in the mirror. I look so much like my mom. My mocha skin and high cheek bones. I had my dad eyes. Big and bright and full of life. I take my focus of the mirror and begin to undress. Grabbing my vanilla body wash out the cabinet and stepping inside. Boop da boop. Boop da boop. Boop da boop Boop da boop. I hear my phone ringing on the bathroom counter. I instantly rolled my eyes and continued to shower. Davieon has been blowing my phone up. Texting and calling trying to apologize. But I'm not falling for it. I should just go ahead and block him. But the thrill of him having access to me without actually getting to me excites me. Because I know it hurts worse for him to know I'm purposely ignoring him. I get out the shower and do my morning facial routine before putting my lotion and robe on and heading towards my bedroom. As soon as I reach my hand out to turn the door knob I hear whispering. I stopped to make out the voice and it's just my uncle in one of his mysterious phone calls. Every since that strange man came and threaten him, he's been acting strange and very secretive. I just stay out the way.

"Okay now class please turn to page 32 in your history books and read over chapters 1-10" Mrs. Anderson said while erasing math notes off the white board. Instead of reaching for my history book I grab my phone out my pocket to text Taylor. Where are you are you coming to school today? I put my phone back in my pocket and grabbed my history book, notepad and pencil.

"So I was thinking since everything seems okay now and nothing has happened since the first incident, that it'll be okay to go visit Ahkeem ", I asked my uncle while washing the dishes. My uncle gets up from the kitchen table and walks away into the living room. I don't understand. I mean at least he could speak. I know he has a lot going on right now but why take it out on me? I just shake my head and continued to wash dishes. If anything I knew how to let stuff go. Not everything deserves my energy or time. I got other things to worry about.

I look over at the picture of my parents sitting on the nightstand. They looked so happy. So perfect. How did they hold it all together? I blew my parents picture a kiss, turned the light off and laid down. It hasn't been easy falling asleep since my parents died. Sometimes I'll lay in bed awake all night. Some nights I only sleep 1 or 2 hours. Bzzzz Bzzzz Bzzzz. Who in the world blowing my phone up this late? Bzzzzz Bzzzz Bzzzz. I turn over to check my phone. "Girl I've been trying to call you all night. I need you to hml ASAP". What in the world would Taylor want at 3am? I don't have time for the gossip. I put my phone on do not disturb, place it back on the night stand and rolled over. Whatever she got to say can wait until the morning.

Secrets Part 1Where stories live. Discover now