Chapter 11

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*June 24, 2025 | Going Back to America*
Today, I'll be flying back to Los Angeles, California, United States. I have officially finished my study abroad program in South Korea at Yonsei University. I have earned foreign credits from Yonsei University for the entirety of my junior year. I'd say my Korean is much better now since I studied it for a whole year. Now, I'm ready to start my senior year at UCLA and graduate next year. College has been so much fun thus far. I'm so glad to have gotten to study abroad at my dream university. I'm glad to have met so many friends in Korea who I'll keep for the rest of my life.

Now, it's time to go meet up with Colby in Hawaii. I have some news for him that I haven't told him yet. Once I land in LA, I then take a flight to Kauai, Hawaii. Once landing in Kauai, I take my rental car to the Trap House. I knock on the door and Sam happily opens the door to me.
"Hey! How was Korea?" Sam asked.
"It was awesome, but I have some news for Colby. Is he home?" I asked.
"Yeah, he should be." Sam said, stepping aside to let me inside. It's been 5 months since Colby and I first had sex together in Jeju, South Korea. About 2 weeks after that happened, I had went to the clinic in Seoul because I wasn't feeling well. The nurse revealed to me that I'm pregnant. I knew after I finished my study abroad program that I needed to head straight to Hawaii to tell Colby the news. I am now 5 months pregnant. Colby has no idea.

I head up to Colby's room to deliver the news to him. Around 18 to 21 weeks into my pregnancy, which is around 4 months pregnant, is when my doctor in Korea told me the gender of the baby. Just last month, I found out the gender of our baby. My doctor in Korea, who I had to get because I had gotten pregnant in Korea, is named Dr. Kim. He's an awesome doctor. Anyway, the gender of my baby is a boy. My bump is getting fairly big now.
"Colby, I have some news. While I was still in Korea, I had to go to the fertility clinic because I wasn't feeling too well. Back in January, we had sex for the first time, but you forgot to use a condom. Are you following?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm listening." Colby said.
"Well, turns out, I'm pregnant. At this time, I'm now 21 weeks, 5 months." I said.
"Wait, really?? I'm gonna be a dad?" Colby asked.
"Yeah!" I exclaimed.
"Wow, yay! I've always wanted to be a dad." Colby said, embracing me.
"Yeah, so are we going to wait until after the baby's born to have the wedding?" I asked.
"We probably should. When is the baby due?" Colby asked.
"Dr. Kim told me that my baby is due October 2, 2025." I said.
"Okay, that's still 3 months from now. Let's have the wedding a month after the baby's birth." Colby said.
"Okay, sounds good." I said.

With a baby on the way, and our wedding 4 months from now, I couldn't be happier to spend the rest of my life with Colby. Our wedding will be on November 2, 2025. We'll make sure to invite all our friends and family to the wedding. We'll be having a huge wedding, with lots of guests. Once finding out about the pregnancy, Colby gathers the roommates in the living room. I throw on one of Colby's hoodies so they don't notice the baby bump at first. Colby and I stand in front of all the roommates; Corey, Devyn, Jake, Tara, Sam, and Kat. Colby takes a deep breath and makes the announcement,
"Raeshel and I are expecting a baby!"
"What? Really?!" Sam asked, shocked.
"Show 'em the bump babe." Colby said.
I take off the hoodie and reveal a 5-month baby bump.
"Whoa, girl you really are pregnant." Devyn said.
"Can I feel the baby?" Kat asked.
"Yeah, maybe he'll kick." I said.
"Did you just say he?" Colby asked.
"We're having a boy!" I exclaimed.
"What? Yes!" Colby exclaimed.

After making the pregnancy announcement to the roommates, Devyn and Kat want to throw a baby shower for the baby and I. Since finding out that the baby is a boy, and since I got pregnant in Korea, I want to give our son a Korean name, in addition to his English name. I asked my Korean friends to suggest some Korean names to give my son. The first friend from Korea I told about my pregnancy was San, actually. He was so happy for me. We had hung out at the ATEEZ dorms, and we talked about my pregnancy. San suggested the Korean names; Taeyang(태양), Moonbin(문빈), Kyungsoo(경수), and Chinhae(친해). I took San's suggestion, and will be using the name Taeyang as our son's Korean name. I haven't talked about giving our son a Korean name to Colby yet, but I'm sure he'll be fine with it. Colby's surname is Brock, so our son's Korean name would be: Brock Taeyang. Or written in Korean like so: 브룩 태양.
"Hey, Colby. Could I give our son a Korean name since we conceived him in Korea?" I asked.
"You can if you want." Colby said.
"Cool, cuz I already have one. His Korean name will be Taeyang." I said.
"What does that mean?" Colby asked.
"Taeyang means sunshine." I said.
"Aww, I like that." Colby said.
"Yeah, I think it will suite him. My Korean friend, Choi San, helped me pick that one." I said.
"Is he that K-pop idol you accidentally kissed?" Colby asked.
"Yes, but I thought we went over this. It was an accident. We're close friends now." I said.
"No, it's chill. Let's start thinking of English names for our son now." Colby said.
"I like your name, babe. Cole, right?" I asked.
"Yeah, but I go by Colby." Colby said.
"I know that. I'm just saying, we could name him Cole." I said.
"Let's keep thinking." Colby said.
Colby and I sat in his room, writing down a list of potential names we'll give our son.

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