Chapter 12: Beaconfall - Pt. 2

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Imperia?: Queen of Vale, Juno Byzantium, demands a tiebreaker!

In a surprising display of intelligence, the Grimm Demon points at Juno and two alphas rush her. A smirk slides onto her face as she starts forward without a shred of fear, her eyes beginning to shine brightly. As Gilgamesh revs up to full power they radiate a silver flame-like essence. The first alpha beowolf pounces at her and is caught by it's neck. Juno crushed the monster's throat with brute strength.

The second alpha was caught by the bone mask with only one hand. She secures her foot on it's shoulder and tears the head from the beowolf's body, turning it to dust as well. The Demon roars and the rest of the Beowolves ran together at Juno. Juno's power focuses into her eyes before unleashing silver beams from her eyes that annihilate the assaulting Grimm, leaving only her and the Grimm Demon.

The Demon lumbers forward with decent speed and Juno begins sprinting as well. Their fists collide in the center, creating a large shockwave.


Shae cleaned blood from her blade, Vixen's Wraith.

White Fang bodies littered the area around her, her eyes gazed upon them soullessly and without remorse

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White Fang bodies littered the area around her, her eyes gazed upon them soullessly and without remorse. One heavily injured member attempts to crawl away only for her to appear in front of him and grab him by the hair.

Shae: The woman with the Nevermore mask. Where.

WFM: N-Nevermore mask? There's no such thing!

Shae pulls her weapon back to strike, causing him to panic.

WFM: No! no! wait! I swear I'm telling the truth! I've never seen anyone with a Nevermore mask before!

Detecting the sincerity in his voice, Shae let his hair go and walked away without a word.

Before she could get far, a machine dropped down in front of her with it's back to her. It was an aerial variant of the White Fang Strikers.

 It was an aerial variant of the White Fang Strikers

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