Chapter 42

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After we all have ate our food the boys tell thier daddy goodbye before rushing out of the kitchen leaving us three adults and not one of us is looking very happy.
Zacks not happy because of Joy acting like a child, I'm not happy because she almost called me a ugly word infront of the children and Joy isn't happy because Zack took her plate of food and gave it to me. You can't even cut the tension in this room with a freaking knife thats how strong the feelings are around us.

"Zack I don't deserve this from you! I'm a good wife to you! Your pushing me away for your whore and I can't stand it anymore. When I suggested this agreement it was under the understanding that I would be getting help! It was my understanding that she was only here to take that other side of you not for you to pull her closer and begin pushing me away! I'm feeling like I don't belong in my own home!" She cries out tears starting to run down her face and I don't even hide my eye roll this time.

She is always so damn dramatic. Does she honestly think I want to be here? Doing what I'm doing. Being pregnant for that monster and having to deal with her hateful words and looks all the time? No I would rather me back home with my bird!

"Joy I'm so tired of hearing you bitch and complain about something. It's enough! Zoey is here and not fucking going anywhere. You need to start coming to terms with that. Your my wife yes but so is she. Yall are sister wives and it's time you start acting like it!" He snarls out before bringing his hands to his face and rubs it looking extremely aggervated.

Sister wives?

God this isn't that damn TV show! I don't want to be any damn sister wife to anybody let alone her hateful ass.

"She isn't my sister wife! She is nothing but someone for you to stick your dick in. I'm the only wife that should matter! I cried all lastnight heart broken and you didn't bother to come check on me and I know you heard me!" She cries out jumping up from the table and slamming both of her hands down making me jump and reach a arm protectively over my belly. "She doesn't act like that towards me! She can't stand me!"

Well she is right about that I absolutely can not stand her I hate her with everything I have in me right now hell I even hate her more than I hate Zack and that's saying something right there.

"You think im stupid? You think I don't watch the cameras? I see you both and it's you that's making Zoeys life here harder than it needs to be!" He snapped pushing his self up from his own seat before stalking towards her. She swallows slowly looking nervous for a second before I see determination flashing through her eyes.

"Because your mine not hers! We are married Zack. I'm your wife the mother of your kids and you don't even care about me anymore!" She wails out.

"Joy you and I have been like this for years. You knew I was losing my feelings for you. You didn't keep me happy. The reason we stayed married was for the company so don't act like you love me back and don't act like you don't like spending all the fucking money that I earn!" He growls before raising his hand and wrapping it tightly around her neck making fear flash in her eyes and she reaches her hands up trying to pull his hand off from her throat but I know how strong he is and I know she won't be able to do shit.

I'm not saying anything nope I sit here and take the last bite of my eggs not voicing my opinion on anything. This is between them two so I'm staying out of it physically but mentally oh boy I am loving this. I love watching my plan going off and working well in my favor the more Joy acts like the brat she is the more better for me.

"I want this agreement to end now Zack it's not happening like your promised me. You agreed that she would stay down there and only come up here when I asked for her!" Joy snapped beginning to claw her hands around his hands to get them off of her. "She was supposed to do the house work! She was supposed to cook but because she is spreading those legs for you your becoming fucking dick whipped this wasn't the plan!"

Zacks face turns cold I can actually see the thunder Inside his body as he listens to what she says and before she can say another word his fist comes back down knocking her so hard she flies back against the kitchen counters.


That had to hurt and for a moment my humanity slips inside and I feel bad for her but only for a moment before I remember it's her or me and if it was to be me she would be sitting here positively loving it.

"I have heard enough. Until you start to act better Joy your financially cut off from our bank account. I'm going to have your cards shut off until you show me that you can do better-" He says standing above her body not even flinching at her cries of pain.

"You can't! I have a lunch today with my friends I need money for that-" she starts to ramble out looking shocked that he would take the money away from her like that.

"It's my money I can do whatever I want. Money of a privilege and the way you been acting you don't deserve it. From now on while Zoey is pregnant you will be doing all the house work. You will be doing all the fucking meals and I don't want to hear a damn word about it. I will be checking the cameras more throughout the day and if i see anything and I mean anything wrong or if I see Zoey so much as lift a fucking finger to get something for herself you will never have access to my money again. See how long those important friends of yours last!" He snarled out at her shooting her a look that says he means every word he just spoke before walking towwrds me and I'm about close to jumping out of my seat to get away from him but when he steps up to me his scolding cold face is gone and its replaced by the soft Zack once more.

"Your to rest today. I don't want you cleaning. I don't want you cooking the meals. You can do whatever you want to do today. Your right about not seeing a doctor. I'm sorry I have been such a bad father to our child. My next day off you and I will go to the doctor and have it checked out but it will have to be out of town so that no bodies notices you. Okay?" He whispers before pulling me into his arms wrapping his arms around me as he kissing the top of my head.

Hearing that makes me so freaking happy I really lost all hope in checking on my baby is really did but now that his saying he will take me to see a doctor I'm all excited to know what's going on with my baby and my body.

"Yes that sounds perfect. I can't wait" I say softly smiling because of the thought of seeing my baby on a screen but the smile slowly falls from my face when I look up and see Joy standing thier her hands clenching at her side and the murderous glare she is now sending to me.

Yeah she ain't happy at all.

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