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A/N/ Hi guys! So, this short book (I'm guessing at most fifty chapters, just fair warning ;-)) will be the culmination of two long books full of drama, love, angst, and uwu. With the recap you find underneath you don't need to read the last two books, but if you DO want to read the whole thing, read Andante and Andante con Brio first before you read on here, for obvious spoiler reasons. You could also just read the last few chapters of Andante con brio, if you want to get into the whole atmosphere at the beginning of this book. I hope you enjoy this last and final instalment in the Andante series as much as I've enjoyed writing it!
So! With all that said, I'll be starting now with a recap, for those of you who haven't read all of the other four hundred chapters! Thanks as always for your reads, your lovely comments, and your stars. 
Love from Author-san! 


Brett and Eddy are in love. No, in fact they are soul mates and after a difficult start they have been together for years now. They used to have to sneak around, you know, kissing secretly behind trees in a park, in their bedrooms when their parents were out. But now they live together, and they are finally out, at least at home. But they are still in to the world, to their parents, because they are scared. So scared, because Eddy's mum especially is old-fashioned. He has always been so afraid of her finding out, her shunning him. She would be all alone, completely alone in the world, if she did that. How can he ever risk that? But it's weighing on him, now more than ever, and something has started to change inside him. Like a fire, starting from a spark, and growing ever larger. 
Meanwhile, his best friend Todd, who they share an apartment with close to the con they all study at, is deeply in love with their other housemate and his best friend, Ian. Who is straight. But a couple of nights ago, on their concert trip in Taiwan, where they have been invited by Eddy's conductor friend and mentor John, Todd and Ian got drunk and to Brett and Eddy's great shock they kissed and then spent the night together. 
This left Todd with a great deal of turmoil, fearing that he will have broken up their lifelong friendship, but after Eddy spoke to both of them it turned out that actually Ian wasn't as straight as he seemed and he likes Todd back... and that's where we pick up the story now, in Todd and Ian's hotel room in Taipei, with Eddy desperately trying to convince his friends to tell each other the truth...

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