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Sergio's POV:

I was watching Raquel who was watching Iris play. When he was benched for a period of time Raquel tried to get his attention but he wouldn't look at her, he knew that we were here. It was kind of hard not to, we took up the whole row, when he scored the basket we would all cheer loudly for him. The first time he looked over to see who it was and when he did his eyes got big and you could visibly see him swallow hard. Every time he would score we would cheer and yell he started to ignore us after that. His team mates were giving him a hard time about us it looked like, he would just shake his head and sit down for a few minutes to catch his breath then get back out on the court again. It was a good game so far, they were winning, and Raquel was grinning every time that he would get the basket. I was also keeping my eyes out for anyone that I knew was in the underground world but so far I haven't seen anyone, but that doesn't mean they might not be here just hidden out of sight. My phone alerted me that I had an incoming text message; I knew that it had to be someone here.

"Right side back," it was from Andres telling me that someone was here. I discreetly turned around like I was just rolling my neck to see who it was. Whoever it was didn't want to be seen because they weren't there anymore.

"Gone," I replied I didn't see anyone so I hope that he was able to get a good look at them.

"What's going on Sergio? You seem to be watching for something," damn she was good. I thought that I was being discreet about it but she was able to pick up on it.

"Andres just text me letting me know that someone was here, I was trying to see who it was but they were already gone. It's nothing that you need to worry about baby, just watch the game ok." I whispered into her ear, I didn't want to alert people around us. She nodded her head in understanding and then leaned her head against my shoulder, I thought that maybe she was tired so I placed my arm around her for support incase she fell asleep. "Are you having fun watching your brother play?"

"Yeah but he seems to be off tonight. I don't know if it's because we're here or if there is something else going on with him. He normally does so well and tonight he's not doing that great, I mean yes he has been getting baskets and assists but he usually does so much better then this."

"Why don't you wait until tonight and see how he acts then, maybe it's just the stress of his first game that had him off." I was thinking that it was something else all together but I wanted to be 100% sure before I said anything to her about it.

"I think I'll wait until this weekend before I say anything to him give him a chance to the stress himself before I pounce on him."

"You can pounce on me tonight if you like," I said as I gently bit her ear. I could see the shiver go threw her body and was happy that I was able to affect her that way.

"Maybe I will," she said in return and kissed the underside of my jaw making my eyes roll back. My phone went off again but this time it was Sam texting me.

"Vicuna third row up straight ahead," he said, I looked to where he said and sure enough there was Alberto Vicuna sitting in the third row from the bottom on the opposing side. I knew that he didn't have any kids so there was no reason for him to be at this game so I knew that he was up to something. Alberto also knew that Raquel has a brother who plays so what did he want, was he here for Raquel or was he here for Iris?

"Seen him, how long," I wanted to know when that bastard got here and how long he has been watching us.

"10 tops."

"Follow when leaves"

"Yes boss," that was the end of our texting for now, he was going to watch him and if he were to leave then Sam was ordered to follow him.

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