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Raquel POV:

Waking up with Sergio again was heaven except that he was literally wrapped around me. I was lying on my side with my back to his chest, he had one arm around my waist holding me tightly to him and his leg was thrown over both of mine. The way he had me wrapped up it was like he was afraid I was going to disappear on him, unfortunately for my bladder he needed to let me go. I tried to move his arm from around me but he would just tightened his hold, I tried to shake him awake but he just held me tight not letting me go or making any indication that he was waking up.

"Sergio, you have to get up," I said while shaking his arm, there was no response from him at all. "Sergio let me up" I was getting frustrated with him now. Still nothing happened he didn't tighten or loosen his grip on me, I had finally had enough and yelled, "SERGIO!" That woke him up; he shot up out of bed grabbing his gun from the nightstand draw and held it to the door. If I wasn't so shocked I would have laughed but I don't think he would have thought it very funny.

"What's going on baby, did you hear something?"

"No Sergio I didn't hear anything, I was trying to wake you up but you were dead to the world. I have to pee now move out of the way." I rushed to the bathroom with seconds to spare; when I was done I washed my hands, face, and brushed my teeth. When I walked back into the bedroom Sergio was sitting up in bed waiting for me, the gun was nowhere to be found, he opened his arms to me and I climbed right in snuggling into his chest. We had been laying there for a while and I thought that maybe he fell back to sleep when he started to talk.

"Why did you yell?"

"I had been trying to get you to wake up for a few minutes, I was getting louder each time I said your name and was shaking you but you didn't wake up. I didn't know that you would react like that; I just thought that you would move so that I could get up. I have to admit watching you hold the gun like you did was pretty hot."

"I could have shot you or someone who was coming into the room on accident so please for the love of all that is holy do not do that again. So you thought that I was hot?"

"I wasn't worried about you shooting me, I knew that you wouldn't so stop being so dramatic. What did you expect me to do I had to pee and I couldn't hold it anymore, plus you were squishing me so it was making it worse. I had already tried to shake you and I had been calling your name that was the only other thing that I could think of to do."

"But you thought that I was hot right? Does it turn you on?" I knew he could feel my face heating up so I nodded my head.

"It was the way you quickly loaded the gun and were holding it," I mumbled in his chest. I could feel my head bouncing slightly while he tried not to laugh at me. "Shut it mister!" I slapped his chest and started to move away from him but he held me tighter to him.

"Where do you think you're going?" He growled at me, I just looked up at him and shrugged. "Are you going into work today?"

"Yeah I don't really have much of a choice in the matter; Lauren isn't going to care about what happened to me last night."

"When are you going to quit that job and just stay home? I could come home at lunch and have a great meal here." He said wiggling his eyebrow at me, I just shook my head at him it's not the first time that he has asked me to stay home but I just don't feel right doing something like that. I knew that he was joking around but it was nice to know that he likes to have me here with him.

"It's been what 3 weeks since I moved in here? You're going to be tired of me soon enough, if I don't have my job what am I going to do? I can't sit around the house all day watching daytime TV."

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