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Sergio's POV

My men and I were sitting in the warehouse waiting for the shipment of guns to come in, when Anibal started to talk.

"Man have you been to Good Eat Diner? I wanted to try it out but it looked like a bunch of old people where there."

"No but I heard that they do have good food and it's supposed to be cheep, why are you worried about the money anyway it's not like you are going to be broke anytime soon." Andres asked him.

"I'm not worried about the money, I just want something different for a change, home cooking, Silene doesn't cook and the only time that I have a meal that is, is when we are at moms for Sunday brunch after church."

"We can go after this shipment has been delivered, I could use a good home cooked meal myself." I was thinking about the food when I heard a truck pulling up to the warehouse; I pulled out my gun and cocked it just to be on the safe side. I've had it happen one time where the other family thought they could catch us off guard and take us down, after that I swore it wouldn't happen again.

"Open the back" I told the driver, he got out slowly with his hands in the air. The drivers who knew what they were hauling also knew that the person was packing heat and didn't want to be messed with, normally they weren't a part of the family just a delivery guy in it for the money. Once the guy had the back open and everything was clear we began unloading the truck, with the 6 of us it didn't take long to have it done and the driver was on his way with the money for the delivery.

"I don't know about you goons, but I have worked up more of an appetite, let's go to that diner and get some grub." Anibal was always hungry; I would hate to see the grocery bill for the week with him. We climbed into the car and drive to the diner per An's request.

"Hello welcome to Good Eat Diner, how many today?" The hostess asked me, she was cute, petite with long black hair and glasses. Not someone I would normally go for, though she didn't even seem like she was interested in me at all.

"Table for 6 please" I told her, she nodded her head and lead us to the back where there was a round table.

"Your waitress will be with you in just a minute." She walked away then; I could tell that she was intimidated by us.

"Hello welcome to Good Eat Diner my name is Raquel; can I start you gentleman off with something to drink?"

"Yes we would all like coke please, if you have it in the pitcher that would be fine."

"Sure, I'll be right back with that for you," it took everything I had not to watch her walk away and look at her ass; she was the most beautiful women I had ever seen in my life. Blonde hair, deep brown eyes and curves in all the right places, and her voice was like an angel.

"Here you go, have you decided what you would like to order or do you need a few more minutes yet?"

"No we know what we want; I'll have a mushroom burger with everything on it please." I looked to my right at Andres when he placed his order Alec was next, then James, Sam, and then Anibal. Once the order was placed she walked away again to give the cook the order, I looked at my guys then.

"What?" They were all just starring at me and I couldn't figure out why.

"I think Sergio here has a little crush on the waitress, though I do have to say if I wasn't married to Silene already I would definitely want to tap that, she is one fine looking woman." I was ready to pull out my gun and shoot him, I don't know where this jealousy came from, and I didn't know anything about the girl.

"I have to agree with An here Sergio; I can feel the jealousy coming off of you. Why not ask her out, I mean the worst that could happen is she says no."

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