"Daddy, I... I don't..." Bonnie looked away swiftly, no longer able to meet her father's gaze. "Daddy... I already told Ron he shouldn't... shouldn't give you access to the money."


Bonnie winced and sunk down within herself as her father jumped to his feet, his anger apparent. "I'm sorry Daddy."

"SORRY? YOU'RE SORRY?" John grabbed her by the arm, pulling her off the bed roughly to stand in front of him, despite her cry. "You haven't seen sorry yet you little bitch. Why the hell would you do something like that?"

"I'm sorry, it's just... the way you acted Friday... and then Monday night..."

John shook her roughly, his fingers clenched onto her arm. "Stupid bitch, how could you do this to me?" Frustrated, he threw her towards the bed, where she fell unceremoniously. "Well now you're just going to have to try all that much harder to get that little worm you love to sign over that money to me."

Bonnie looked up at her father through tear-stained eyes. "What?"

"You heard me you little cow." John stood over her, glaring down at her. "You will do everything in your power to get him to hand over that money to me, or you'll never see him again. Hell, you'll be so far away, not even Kim Possible with all her resources could find you." He grabbed her roughly by the chin, forcing her to look up into his eyes. "I don't care what you have to do, beg, plead, fuck him..."

"But... but I've never..."

John Rockwaller smiled cruelly. "Neither had your sister Lonnie until I gave her to Mr. Carmichael." At the shocked look on his daughter's face, his smile widened. "Believe me, he was VERY appreciative to get his hands on a virgin. That was my biggest contract to date." John laughed, seeing the disgust on her face. "Oh don't get so high and mighty with me. How do you think she got that car of hers? I hear she still does that on her own now to get what she wants, though at least she's smart enough not to get caught and publicly embarrass me."

Bonnie was sobbing freely now, so John dropped her chin and stepped back, looking at her with disgust. "You just figure out someway to get me that money from your boyfriend by Friday. I don't care if you have to spread your lips or spread your legs, you will get it done, or you'll find out just how unpleasant your life can be." John smirked one last time as he glared down at her. "Maybe I can find a good whorehouse in Mexico for you, no questions asked." Bonnie looked up sharply, frightened. "Believe me little girl, I can make you disappear just like that." John snapped his fingers for emphasis right in front of her face. "So get it done you useless twit."

John stalked out of the bedroom, anger spilling off him in waves. So caught up in his own thoughts, he never saw the pair of eyes that followed his walk down the hallway.

Ron was running as fast as he could, though he wasn't quite sure where to yet. He wasn't sure where he had crashed, and he sure didn't know by the back yard he was running through exactly where he was either. For all he knew, he could be running away from Kim or Bonnie's houses, which would have been the preferred places he would have liked to have gone.

He threw himself over the fence, which was fortunately short and kept running. He wanted to sprint out to the street, but that wouldn't have any cover, and he was hoping by this point that someone would have called the cops by now, or maybe Kim herself, and someone would be on their way to save him.

The next fence was a bit more of a challenge, standing about eight feet high. Already short of breath, he launched himself at the fence, grabbing the top and pulling himself over. Well... most of him anyways.

A loose nail along the top of the fence snagged his pants, sending him sprawling to the ground. He rose quickly and spied his pants hanging from the top, a split running down one of the legs that had been snared. "Oh man, this is so not my day today."

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