Mercenary - The End...

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Addison Gune:


I screamed myself awake feeling my body drenched in sweat. It's just a dream, a very bad dream that I've been having for days. I breathed calming my heart down seeing the sun up and rising.

"Addison!" My mother urgently enters my room in a panic looking around frantically - I scared her, unfortunately.

She joins my bed "Honey, what is it?"

"It's fine Mom... I-It was just another bad dream" I looked at her with sad eyes and she frowned.

"Another one? Honey, are you sure you're okay? Because this is the fourth time now and I'm worried about you" Her hands caressed my head bringing me into a hug.

How can I tell her about Elliot? I fell in love with a killer and I'm having constant nightmares about him dying it's scaring me and it's all I think and worry about daily.

Something is not right.

"I'm okay Mom. It's just dreams they will go away" I say pulling away.

She sighs not buying it "If you won't talk to me then please go to your father, I'm sure he can help"

How can't he? He's a psychiatrist after all.

"I'll think about"

"Okay, lunch is almost ready so get dressed and come eat" Mom pats my knee then stood. We smile at each other as she leaves.

I take a deep breath falling back on the bed. It's been two and a half weeks since Elliot and I parted and these dreams are not normal, They're trying to tell me something I know it, maybe?

Then I remember what Dad told me about certain dreams

'Dreams are dreams due to your specific emotions, and visuals that could lead to unusual or common dreams but In very rare situations, dreams generally tend to be warnings or... Deja Vu

It definitely has to mean something. Suddenly I sat up quickly getting off the bed and walking towards my bags. A memory crossed my mind that I totally forgot about.

I dug through deep and then found what I was looking for. I held up a notebook that I... Borrowed from Elliot, he doesn't know I took it - I snatched the book when Elliot wasn't looking especially the other thing...

I gulped discreetly drawing out a fully loaded handgun from my bag that my dad or Elliot doesn't know I took either. I didn't know what I was thinking but the gesture was needed.

"Addison! Lunch is ready!"

Mom called out and I flinched instinctively hiding the items quickly.

"O-Okay I'm coming!" I yelled back hiding the stuff and went down to eat.

Tears stained my cheeks and I never felt so much distress especially panic filling my body while I continued to read Elliot's book that was compressed with his plans and stories on how he's gonna end the M.O. and Griggs... Including his own life.

Forgetting all about me

"You lied to me, Damn YOU!!" I screeched in anger and sadness throwing the book across the room. I sobbed falling to my knees and realizing Elliot could be dead right now.

H-He left me alone in this world

I grabbed the ring he gave me from around my neck "You said you'll return to me" I cry comprehending my dreams now.

Suddenly my expression turned hard hoping it wasn't too late as I stood "Maybe I'm not too late, I can help him" I say wiping my nose and rushing towards the book recalling Elliot's listed addresses.

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