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The seven friends decided to celebrate their night and gather up at Jeongguk's house.

Taehyung and Jeongguk were already there, preparing some snacks, movies and games for their night.

His parents had left for Chicago for a business trip, leaving Jeongguk alone for 3 days. But those 3 days will be spent with Taehyung.

The two decided to spend as much time together as possible, knowing that they'll get busy with their lives after graduation.

It felt scary to Jeongguk. All his life, he had Taehyung by his side and now, he's sure that they'll go their own separate ways.

It honestly terrified him. As much as he doesn't want to be distanced from his very close friend, he knows they won't be together forever.

Life has its own plans for each individual person, and sometimes, that means you won't get to have the people you want in your life forever.

This thought has been hunting him for a while now. Despite knowing that Taehyung will forever be his best friend, he knows they will stop spending their time together daily. 

And at some point, the older will have his own life, and Jeongguk will have his own.

Jeongguk shrieked when a sandal was thrown at him, momentarily ridding him of his previous thoughts.

"Hyungie you're gonna mess up my hair!!" he whined, throwing the sandal back at Taehyung who successfully dodged it.

"Aw come on, you were so deep in thought. It'd be a waste not to take advantage of that." Taehyung chuckled.

"Maniac" Jeongguk shew him his tongue and continued setting up the dimly lit living room for the night. He grabbed a stool for spots where his height couldn't reach and got on top of it.

"What did you just say?" Taehyung threw the pillows away, his tone dropping a couple octaves lower.

"The best hyungie ever" Jeongguk sarcastically answered, still focused on setting up the led lights.

"Oh no bun, I definitely heard something else." Taehyung replied, edging dangerously closer to the younger.

"You must be hearing things then." Jeongguk carelessly blurted out, unaware of Taehyung being right behind him.

The air got silent as Jeongguk continued to work on the lights.

Taehyung watched how the younger would stand on his tippy toes every now and then. He observed how his muscles would clench whenever he tried to reach higher. He noticed how his shirt would rise up and show small portions of his waist. He stared at how his oversized sweater exposed his milky white shoulders.

His eyes travelled over each inch of his body, not missing out on his well proportioned curves.

"Oh I'm pretty sure I heard it well bunny." He whispered before squeezing both of Jeongguk's thighs.

"O-oh wha-" Jeongguk squeaked and lost his balance from the sudden pressure around his thighs.

Taehyung caught him and threw him on the nearby couch, climbing on top of him to cage his body.

"Look how brave we got here, calling your hyung bad names now." Taehyung held down his wrists with one hand and tickled his sides.

"STOP STOP HYUNGIE!!!" Jeongguk screamed and giggled as his body uncontrollably squirmed.

"Oh you're calling me hyungie now. Wasn't I a maniac?" Taehyung teased as he roamed his hands all over his body.

"NO THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT" Jeongguk yelled. He shut his eyes and laughed out loud.

"Oh really now. I don't believe you bunny." Taehyung laughed along and released his wrists, now going full mode on tickling his helpless prey.

Jeongguk screamed and squeaked and shrieked as he tried to stop Taehyung from tickling him.

Taehyung continued and at the same time admired how cute the younger looked. His head was thrown back and his mouth was wide open, elmo giggles spurting out uncontrollably.

Jeongguk's clothes got crumpled up and his tiny waist was exposed now.

This caught Taehyung's attention.

He eyed the milky skin that no doubt was very soft and smooth. His waist was so small compared to his wider hips and his belly button looked so cute.

He doesn't know what it was. He couldn't control it. There was this sudden urge to touch his waist, to feel the silky softness of his skin and to taste the sweetness of it.

Taehyung had no clue what he was thinking when he leaned down and left raspberry kisses around his stomach.

"A-ah hyungie!" Jeongguk squealed and held Taehyung's head with both hands to stop the tickling.

Taehyung snuggled into his neck as Jeongguk hugged him like a koala, catching his breath.

Taehyung inhaled the younger's neck, sweet and fresh scent mixed with his own perfume.

"So what am I now bunny?" Taehyung asked as he freed himself from Jeongguk's baby grip.

"My best hyungie" Jeongguk beamed with a bunny smile.

"I'm happy with that answer." Taehyung kissed his cheek and stood up.

"Come on now, the hyungs will be here soon. We still need to finish setting things up." Taehyung picked up the forgotten pillows.

"Okay hyungie!" Jeongguk obediently listened to Taehyung and ran back to the stool to finish the led lights.

"Adorable as fuck" Taehyung chuckled to himself.

Couple minutes later, they heard the doorbell ring.

"Oh they're here!!" Jeongguk yelled and flew down the stairs to give his hyungs the biggest hug.

"Alright skunks, LET THE PARTY BEGIN!!" Yoongi, who's usually a half dead slug kicked Hoseok's ass and ran upstairs to get some food.

"I swear this guy keeps abusing my pillows for no reason." Hoseok whined and rubbed his butt.

"I know right." Namjoon mumbled and smacked Hoseok's ass and left.

"OW!! What was that for!?!?!" Hoseok hissed.

"I don't know either." Seokjin added and threw a shoe at Hoseok's ass.

"What the-"

"Yeah I wonder that too." Jimin hit his ass and ran away giggling.

"HEY!!! RUDE MUCH!!!" Hoseok yelled and rubbed his already red ass with a  sulky face.

He turned around to see Jeongguk standing right behind him.

He feared for his life now.

"No Jeongguk, you wouldn't dar-AAHHHH!!!!" He screamed as Jeongguk slapped the living daylights out of his ass and ran away giggling, thinking this was some sort of a game.


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