But after many long moments just staring at the wooden entrance, Ron finally had to admit that it really had happened. His feet dragging, Ron went back to his cycle, and with a heavy heart, made the short drive back to Kim's house.

As soon as the door slammed shut, Bonnie sank against it, her anger fading. She sank to the floor, barely able to believe what she had just done. She felt the tears starting to well in her eyes, but she blinked furiously, cutting them off before they could get free.

She brought her knees up to her chest, gripping them tightly to herself as she tried to make sense of what just happened. Why did I blow up at him like that? He was sorry. Why couldn't I just accept that? Of course, Brick was sorry too, and look how that turned out, with him in the arms of that bitch Candace. He said he was sorry too, but how many times did I find him playing around on me. But Ron would never do anything like that, and it's not like he and Kim would have done anything. I mean, he's not like that. And I had to go and do that to him. Maybe it's not too late...

Bonnie jumped to her feet, looking out the window, hoping that Ron would still be out there. But she was just in time to see him driving down the road.

Bonnie pressed her forehead against the window, allowing the tears to start flowing. Ron had done everything she had asked, yet the second he went to do something else, she had jumped all over him. She knew Ron wasn't like Brick, but she couldn't help reacting like she had. He and Kim had such an easy familiarity between them, it wasn't hard to make that assumption about them, but she knew they hadn't crossed that line. Yet she couldn't help imagining the worst about the situation.

Bonnie dragged herself over to the couch, thankful her sisters weren't here to see her like this. She knew she must look a miserable wreck, but right now she didn't care. She may have just blown her best chance at being happy, and right now, wallowing seemed like a good idea. Ron may not have been the ideal guy physically, but for the first time in a relationship, she didn't feel like a piece of meat, or arm candy. Ron didn't want to be with her to be popular. He didn't care about the status. He wanted to be with her. Even after everything she had put him through, he had actually asked her out, and actually made her feel special. None of the other guys she had ever gone out with had even put a tenth of the effort into their relationship with her that Ron did. That, and he somehow could make her tingle with a single kiss, something no one had ever managed to accomplish before. And now, she may have just destroyed that.

She looked over at the phone, just an arms length away. She knew where Ron would be right now, she could call him up, apologize for over-reacting. That was something she had never considered doing before, but she knew she had to do it for him. Slowly, her arm reached out, anticipating what she would say. But as her fingers grazed the reciever, she froze. Could she call him at Kim's house? That would raise a lot of questions. Kim would wonder why she was calling Ron at her house. Heck, she would wonder why she was calling Ron at all. Was she ready for anyone else to know about her's and Ron's relationship? Her hand pulled back slightly, her lower lip trembling. Bonnie was always the first to acknowledge that she loved being the top dog. The power she wielded was seductive. Would she lose that if people knew about her and Ron? Her hand clutched reflexively, and she closed her eyes, steeling herself. She took several deep breaths, considering her options. Popular and miserable, or happy and ostrasized? It actually took a few moments to consider the possibilities, but in the end, there was only one answer. She had to make the call.

She picked up the reciever, looking down at the numbers. Now that she had made the decision, she was scared. Would Ron even want to talk to her after the way she had treated him? Bonnie didn't know, but she had to take the chance.

The sound of the doorbell scared Bonnie half to death, and the reciever fell to the floor. Hers eyes shot to the front door, and Bonnie was on her feet in an instant. Her thoughts were almost chaotic as she hoped and prayed that Ron had come back, giving her a chance to apologize. She practically flung the door open.

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