A couple minutes later Jess came back in "Hi you're free to go now if you wish, but we may be in touch" She said, then walked out again. I slid my arm under Zari's legs and stood up holding Zari in my arms bridal style. We all made our way towards the door with Alex going first, Chris behind her, me carrying Zari behind her and Ash at the back.

Chris held the door as I walked through with Zari. We walked out of the station and back to the car, Ash and Alex got in the front again whilst Christen opened the door for me again and I carefully got in. She shut the door and walked round to her side and got in. Ash started the car and we started the journey back to the hotel.

"What are we gonna tell the others?" Alex asked no one particular "The truth" Zari spoke up, for the first time in a while startling all of us. "Okay do you wanna do it?" Christen asked "Not really" Zari mumbled before yawning. "Why don't I take you up to our room, whilst Ash and Alex talk to the team and you babe can talk to Jill" I suggested to which the others agreed and I felt Zari nod against my chest.

After that conversation was over Alex put some songs on, until we reached the hotel where we pulled into the garage. Where Ash pulled into the same spot that we left and killed the engine. We all got out of the car and walked to the lobby of the hotel where we split ways. I took zari up to mine and Christens room and laid her down on the bed.

"Zari..Zari wake up" I said, shaking her gently. I never even realised she had fallen asleep, I kept shaking her until I saw her eyes start to open. "Hey kiddo it's time you get ready for bed all you really need to do is take your pants off then you can sleep. You don't have a toothbrush  but we can get your stuff tomorrow okay" I said helping her sit up and walk into the bathroom.

I heard the door unlock before Christen walked in "Hey how is she?" She asked "She's okay. She's just getting ready for bed, she fell asleep in my arms and I never noticed" I replied, smiling "That's adorable babe" She said, pecking my lips, "Now let's get ready for bed I know were all exhausted" she walked over to her suitcase and pulled out her pj's, just as Zari walked out of the bathroom sleepily.

"Hey sweetheart you ready for bed?" Chris asked Zari, who only nodded in response due to how tired she was. I walked over to the bed that she would be sleeping in and pulled back the sheets "Come on get in '' I said and that she did. She snuggled into the sheets as soon as I tucked her in. She fell asleep quickly, the poor girl was exhausted.

I quickly got changed and did my night time routine and then slipped into bed next to Chris. "You're gonna be a great mom Tobs" She whispered to me "So will you baby" I replied before cuddling into her and swiftly falling asleep.

Middle of the night

Christen's POV

I woke to the sound of whimpering and sat up in bed, to see Zari tossing and turning in her bed. I shook Tobin before climbing out of bed and rushing over to Zari and climbing on to her bed to hold her. I pulled her into my lap and held her tight as she struggled. I saw Tobin sit up in bed and look over at us then jump out of bed, now fully awake and aware of what was happening.

"I think she's having a nightmare, we need to wake her up" I said to Tobin, who nodded. "Zari... Kiddo you gotta wake up, it's just a dream. Me and Christen are with you your safe I promise. Whatever is happening right now Zari, is not real. You've gotta wake up" Tobin said to Zari loudly. I saw Zari's eyes start to flicker open and pulled her up in my lap, so her head was resting against my shoulder. "Hey sweetheart you're okay we're here" I said, as she opened her eyes fully.

She pressed herself against me as if wanting to be closer and so I decided to lie down with Zari's head on my chest and her by my side. "You gonna join us?" I ask Tobin who seems to just be sitting there awkwardly. She smiles and slips in on the other side of Zari and pulls the covers over us all. Soon we all fall into a peaceful sleep.

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