5: The Mysterious Velvet Book

Start from the beginning

Wait. So, Heejin had some worries? They may be personal, I think...

As much as I hated to say it, I had to. I could feel his pain through the words... Even though they were just some curves with ink, they held a much bigger meaning. And, why didn't he know her real name?

"I want to touch you, kiss you, talk to you, cuddle you... Come back, please..."

It's his girlfriend. Confirmed.

"I feel like I... like I lost you. Please come back..."

The word 'back' was a little smudged and blurred. It felt as if some liquid had dropped on it... Wait...!

Is it...

Did he cry?!

"I... I love you."

"Oh my god..." I gasped in disbelief. What really did happen to this Heejin girl? I know I feel weird reading about her, but still... It feels odd. As if something wrong happened to her.

"Did she die?" No. My gut was the other way round. It didn't feel as if she died. From this boy's perspective, it feels as if something happened. But then again, it can be a normal breakup, aswell. He wasn't able to take the sorrow of losing her so he wrote it, maybe...

I was about to turn the page but my hands stopped midway. That's when the realization hit me...

Did I just invade someone's personal space?!

Oh shit...

I cursed myself but turned the page anyways. I mean, I want to know what really happened and I'm also a curious cat so why not?

I looked at the new page in horror. My eyes widened all the time... T-The page was strange. There were red smudged stains all over it and below it, something was written...

"What is this..." I bit my lip in fear and shock. I hope it's not what I am thinking it is...
I took a deep breath and tried to calm my fastened-up heartbeats. Looking back at the text, I read it.

"Heejin... See what I did... I-I made a mistake, love. I did something very wrong... I-I killed someone..."


"I-I was so aggressive because you weren't here with me. And now, I committed a big crime... What now, Heejin? Will I lose my studies and go to prison too? Isn't this sadness enough? When will you stop it... I-It hurts Heejin. It feels painful. I will never be able to forget you but I don't want to keep feeling the pain... I want to move on. I want to remember you but with happy memories, not sad ones. I want to miss you with happiness, not sadness... Then, why isn't it going that way, Heejin? Why is everything becoming so complicated...?"

H-He killed someone...

"H-How..." It was too much now. I couldn't help but stutter at every word I spoke. If he killed someone, then why isn't he in prison by now? How is he studying and acting as if nothing happened? What's his motive? But the main question here is, how did Heejin die?

It feels as if she was going through some kind of depression but never showed it.

Who is she?

Is this the reason why that Taehyung guy doesn't speak at all? Maybe he's too sad for his girlfriend. But his actions don't go with his words. If he was sad and anxious because he murdered someone, then how is he so calm now? How is he scoring so well in each and every subject? How is he able to focus on everything so well? Now, doesn't he feel depressed, sad, or sorrowful?

The way he acts feels as if he hides his emotions and masks them with a void expression. It also feels as if it's been years since this event occurred in his life... But isn't he like- 18 or something? How come has it been years? He wouldn't have made a girlfriend before 18. But then why...

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