Chapter : 09 🎯

Start from the beginning

Enquirer 01: Okay enough. Now tell us how you escaped and what happened to the men who were in room 333.

"As I mentioned earlier they drugged me using some kinda injection. The room we were in didn't have any windows. So my only option was the door. None of them suspect me to be an agent so they accused me of a club worker who tried to steal their stuff".

They didn't know I opened the safe trunk cause I managed to hack its security system and set it to default after taking those things out. One out of the three try to....uh--- kinda harassed me but I got able to take him down. When I was about to open the door one try to shoot me but his phone got a message. And I immediately used that second and tried to escape again. But the remained guy stab me using a cracked glass bottle saying I am hiding something and they should check me. That's when the sirens of the police cars start to hear downstairs and the person who called Harry by the other two yells at others saying they need to escape as soon as possible if not they gonna miss their Zephyr.

Enquirer three and two say something to Yoongi and Yoongi had nod and whispers something back.

Enquirer one had signaled the younger trainee to continue.

"I run out of the room before they could step out. Because of the police siren sound, everyone inside the club was running downstairs in a commotion. I also mixed up with them and reach floor 2. After I confirmed room 333 is safe enough I again went inside to take the folder and the pouch I hide under a corner stand".

Enquirer 02: Is that all?

Enquirer 03: If you purposely keep any information to you we can arrest you later after we find those. So say it all.

Jimin had answered, "No that's all I have to say in a confident voice".

Anyway, Jimin was kinda surprised. He was lowkey waiting to hear some praises from seniors for surviving in a situation. He had even dreamed about getting praised in front of his fellow trainees. But no. It didn't happen in that way. He felt like he was getting mocked by his own agencies and he found the whole situation is so unfair.

''I deserve a good treat".

"You want what?" it was inquirer one.

*Shit did I say it out loud*. Jimin mentally facepalmed looking at all four pairs of eyes. Three were amazed one was smirking.

Enquirer 03: Do you want some americano then? He asked showing the coffee holder which held six cups.

"Uh--- no thanks. Those are bitter. I prefer something sweet like a strawberry milkshake". Jimin made a bitter face while talking in a pout.

All three agents were shocked to hear what they got as a reply. They were speechless or else can say kinda offended.
Inside the Delta Force culture when amateurs are in their training period it's very rare to see their seniors show any type of act of kindness.

So when a senior show a hint of friendlessness by offering a drink, even if was just a glass of water almost all trainees accept with great respect without hesitating even a bit cause the opportunity is rare. And there is trainee Park Jimin.

Yoongi was internally laughing at his trainee's bold reply. This brat has definitely no filters. Jimin was now sitting there with a big grin cause now he was feeling a bit relaxed. The inquiry process ended after they collect the evidence he bought.


Yoongi came to the kitchen after guiding the enquirers out. They had discussed a few other things and agreed mutually on how few things gonna happen from now on.

The senior agent got to see the way his junior sulking and plopping his head inside a pantry talking to himself.

"Mind saying what are you doing there?

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