•20: Bittersweet Nostalgia•

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Adekunle Orenuga

Unlocking the door, I entered into the house to hear distant chatters. That only meant one thing; Dad was back. Either that, or new people owned this house.

I walked inside, hanging my car keys on the rack of keys in the reception room. I kept going in with just one thing in mind. Wasn't he supposed to be back in two weeks time?

I maneuvered my way nonetheless into the dining room where the voices were and my thoughts were confirmed. He was back.

"Dad" I called, drawing the attention of both my parents towards me. Their faces broke into a grin upon seeing me. Dad gestured for me to come over. "Welcome back Dad. Good evening mom" I said bowing my head slightly at them.

Dad stood up and gave me a hug, which warmed my heart. I hugged back without hesitation, savoring the moment. He was still dressed in his work clothes.

"I've missed you son" he said, drawing back and giving me a pat on the back.

"I missed you too dad" I said, mustering up a smile.

You see, dad was hardly ever at home because of political business and all but one thing I respected most about him, was the fact that he always made time for his family. And besides, he made up for lost times too whenever he was around.

"I thought you weren't supposed to be back until like two weeks time?" I voiced out my thoughts as we both settled in our chairs while I dropped my bag on the floor.

"Well here I am. Felt like I'd been gone for too long so long story short, I took time off. And besides, I missed seeing the beautiful and handsome faces of my babe and son" dad said and that last part nearly made me cringe.

"Babe? What are we? 18year olds?" Mom asked, laughing and shaking her head at her husband. I guess she found it cringe too. I tried stifling my laughter but I couldn't hold it for too long. I burst out laughing making dad nudge my head to the side and it only increased my laughter.

"That's you guys' problem. I'm tired and I need rest" dad said, standing up from his chair. "Son we'll catch up later yeah?" He said patting my head and turning to leave the room, mom following after him.

"Freshen up honey. There's fried rice in the kitchen if you're hungry. I'll see you later" mom said, kissing my cheek and the thought of food alone had me rushing to the kitchen. I didn't eat anything in school because I had lost my appetite but now, repercussion was crawling back at me.

I helped myself to some fried rice and roasted chicken laps, a little bit of salad and a glass of apple juice.I settled back down on my seat, getting rid of my tie and unbuttoning my shirt, getting ready to dive into the feast.

Who says food doesn't give man joy?


Walking up the stairs to my room, I tried, I swear I fucking tried but just like my legs had a mind of its own, it found it's way to my sister's room. Like hypnosis, my hand reached for the door handle and before I could snap back into my senses, the door was already creaking open. I stood at the entrance, my gaze all over the room. It was exactly the way it was before she died. Her white comforter neatly arranged on the bed just how she liked it. Her stuffed lilac teddy bear that she was so shameless about, sitting on the bed, probably missing her cuddle it. Her bedside table with her white and lilac lamp, sitting there with complete, utter gloominess. It hasn't been switched on for more than a year now.

My gaze darted to her vanity table with different accessories and photographs sprawled over, her camera placed at a corner of the table. I didn't know when I had started moving, my legs with a mind of their own guided me to the white table. My hand reached for the black Nikon camera, picking it up. I didn't even register when I had pressed the power button, the device coming to life. If only that's how humans worked.

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