•11: Stay Happy•

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Dedicated to @mostlyme3. Fun fact? She's the inspiration for Ava😀.

Well, enjoy!


Rolake Coker


That's how I feel right now.

I remember, we were playing football on the field with each other. And then I started feeling my chest constrict and my breathing quicken a few minutes before the game ended. I thought I wouldn't have an attack because it had been long since I last had one, but apparently, I ended up going unconscious right before Adekunle. Beautiful.

I woke up a few minutes ago and I saw myself in my room. Apparently, Adekunle rushed me to the clinic, where they gave me some things I don't know about and called my parents to alert them. They took me home after they approved the school giving me some drugs and maybe an injection, I don't know. I can feel a sting though. We have certified nurses and doctors.

Eventually, I woke up in the grey, black, white and red interior of my room.

"Rolake please don't scare me like that again" Bami said from beside me with tears streaming down her face. Apparently, she had been crying since well, since.

I smiled at her weakly and grabbed her hand. "I'm sorry for scaring you" I said with a weak smile.

"I really hate you right now for the stupid stunt you pulled" Ava said, glaring daggers at me which caused me to laugh under my breath.

"I'm sorry. Please don't hate me" I said, pouting while she just huffed and looked away.

"Well all I have to say is, you're stupid. I mean, what if Adekunle didn't alert us on time huh?" Shatoni asked and my gaze diverted to Adekunle who had been leaning against the door frame of my room but hadn't said a word since he got here. He looked distant.

"Sure we know of your health condition but you promised us that you were going to inform us if you started feeling uneasy" Shatoni continued her rant, "you broke that promise and it led us all into a frenzy! What if something worse happened to you?" Shatoni asked, her voice breaking at the last statement.

I heaved a heavy sigh. Now I feel guilty. I didn't expect to have an attack and I left my inhaler in my bag. All in all l, I can make really stupid decisions.

"Look guys, I'm sorry for what happened. I'll try to not make it happen again" I said, sincerely. "Now that I think about it, where's Deinbofa and Folakemi?" I asked looking around. My gaze landed on Adekunle again for some time though. He looked deep in thought. I wanted to call out to him but I had angry girls to appease first.

"They both have after school lessons remember?" Ava said, with a roll of her eyes. "Come on. Let's give these two some alone time. They need to sort their shit out" Ava said while concentrating on Shatoni and Bami, who were already standing up. "No funny business kids. We're right outside!" She called over her shoulder, while dragging my two idiotic friends who had goofy smiles on their faces. So they noticed. Wonderful.

They left and slammed the door right after Adekunle fully stepped into the room. Great.

I am just so full of scarcasm today.

I stared at him, still looking lost in his thoughts by the door.

I took in a deep breath and released it. Why does it feel like I'm about to give a speech to a multitude of people whereas it's just one person I wanted to talk to? Damn.

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